Any GAF activity in Texas?

Started by Doc Holloman, June 21, 2024, 03:25:45 PM

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Doc Holloman

I live near San Antonio in the middle of 6 SASS clubs, shooting at two of them regularly and one occasionally.  No interest in any of those clubs in the  military history of the west.  Except at major matches, Wild Bunch gets a handfulf of shooters, usually not enough to fill out a posse.  BAMM only draws about 5-10 at annual matches.   I tried running a two-gun "Horse Soldier" side match at an annual match and got only about a half dozen.l

Clearly I need to look elsewhere to get out of the 10-10-4+  hole.

No one I shoot with knows anything about GAF activity in this area.  I find the absence a little strange as we are in the heart of the Comancheria.  The experimental Camel Corps was Headquartered only a few miles down the road.  Post ACW, his was the 4th Cavalry's stomping ground.

But No sign of the GAF here?  Perhaps I am not looking in the right place?

Baltimore Ed

Doc, I'm in the same boat here in eastern NC. Luckily my SASS/WASA club does WB and BAMM each a few times a year. There are 4 of us that uniform up, the rest do cowboy. I would love to try a GAF shoot.
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.

pony express

There USED to be a good size group in Texas-we even held a Grand Muster there about 14-15 years ago. Not sure what caused it to all go downhill there.

Correction-it was more like 12-13 years ago. My oldest is 14 and she was a toddler when we went.

ira scott

Good Troy is in the preliminary stages of planning a GAF Muster in Texas, possibly next Spring? I'm not sure of the location, Troy lives on the Southern coast. I think he said the location would be a couple hours North of him. Hopefully he will see this and share details as they evolve.

B.N. Scotty
It is far better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!

Tascosa Joe

Good Troy lives outside of Houston.  He posts here somewhat regularly.  I live northwest of Lubbock and put on an NCOWS match once a month at the Gruesome Gulch Gang range north of Plainview.  But as my mothers family was from Karnes County, I know how far a trip that would be for you.
NRA Life, TSRA Life, NCOWS  Life

Major 2

Houston area would be a two-day road trip from C. Fla. still better than 3 days.
If I ever get to do a Muster that be the one to shoot for (ah! no pun intended)
At 76 my get up and go... longs for a co-pilot.

Even NC Outer Banks BAMM are a haul @ 12-13 hours
when planets the deal !

River City John

Quote from: pony express on June 21, 2024, 09:23:00 PM
There USED to be a good size group in Texas-we even held a Grand Muster there about 14-15 years ago. Not sure what caused it to all go downhill there.

Correction-it was more like 12-13 years ago. My oldest is 14 and she was a toddler when we went.

That was at the Aguarita Ranch(sp?) site. Great shoot.
"I was born by the river in a little tent, and just like the river I've been running ever since." - Sam Cooke
"He who will not look backward with reverence, will not look forward with hope." - Edmund Burke
". . .freedom is not everything or the only thing, perhaps we will put that discovery behind us and comprehend, before it's too late, that without freedom all else is nothing."- G. Warren Nutter
GAF #275

Snake Oil

If I am wrong, I am sorry, for jumping in on this thread... lt looks like there is an outdoor range near abilene... that is kinda centrally located, right? My brother in law is a member there... hey look pretty busy, but they have monthly lever action shoots...I wonder if they might be open to an annual shoot.
A day shooting is good for what ails ya!


The Abilene CAS club shoots near Anson.

I think some of the GAF guys who used to shoot at Agarita (which is  been called Comanche Country Ranch with new owners) are mostly not shooting any more, or at least not CAS. Long Juan, Texas Sarge, Jake Jones for example.  Scooter and Artiman still shoot there.

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