Reloading for a 03 Springfield

Started by Wooly Dan, April 08, 2024, 06:48:41 PM

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Wooly Dan

I just bought a 03 Springfield that I plan to shoot in the expansion match. Now I need help on how to reload for an 03 and 30 06.


I've shot mine in Expansion Era matches using the Lyman 220 grain round nose bullet in front of 13 grains of Trail Boss.  Works great!  Of course, the .30-06 is one of those rounds that just about any combination works well.  Good luck!
"There go those Nebraskans, and all hell couldn't stop them!"

Wooly Dan

Thanks. Now I have a place to start   

Major 2

Dan, Neds load is very similar to my own.

I use 13 grains of Trailboss, and a 193 Grain High Tec coated bullet from Penn Bullets.
The owner, Robert passed away in September of 2021, but his widow and a new fellow honored my order.
and I got both the C96 90 grain and my 30 06 bullets later in November of "21".

when planets the deal !

Snake Oil

I wanted to chime in with "the load" again... "the load" is supposed to be 13 grains of Red Dot for anything 30 cal out to 100 yards...

With red dot and promo being nearly the same, I tried 10 grains of promo, hoping that I would be pushing lower pressure as my first loading. I was amazed by the results and have not needed to
Try going up. (That was originally in my 30-40 development for krags) here is the results in my 1903...
top right is 10 grains behind 170 gr...
Bottom right 10 grains behind 220 gr...
Middle is 10 grains behind 210 gr...
Lower right 18 gr unique behind 160 gr... this one was snappy and probably needs scaled way back.
Target was at 17 yards so not really far out there, but off hand as if in a squirmish run.
A day shooting is good for what ails ya!

Professor Marvel

"Any" leaf bullet weight, and 10 grains of unique

Ooops that is "lead" . And well lubed, btw

I would love to see a "leaf bullet"

This is one of the amazing gallery loads that always seem to work
And an original "cat sneeze" load, as developed by the Norskies ....
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Baltimore Ed

Been using 10 gr of VV N32C [out of production] with a 193 gr boolit for my 03s. Build them for my clubs BAMM but sadly we shoot short range. Still have a can and a half.
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.

Sedalia Dave

For those shooting 13 grains of Red Dot.  What  bullet weight are you using and range setting are you using on the rear sight?

Silver Creek Slim

I'll throw my load in the pot.  8)
Lee 160gr RN on top of 10gr of 700-X. That gives me about 1400fps.
I use 700-X because I have quite a bit of it. I use it for a lot of my pistol loads also.

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

Wooly Dan

Thanks for the help. I got a load that works great with trailboss   Now I need help on how to shoot the 03 left handed. My first try today I did my little finger in.

ira scott

"did your little finger in" What?  Not another Wounded Wooly Dan story I hope!
B.N. Scotty 

It is far better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!


A proper gentleman's manipulation of the bolt action should be done with the little finger of the manipulating hand extended like ladies drinking tea.

Baltimore Ed

Cheerio old chap. I tried that but found that the teacup was getting in the way of the bolt handle no matter how I held my pinkie. However if you leave the teacup on the cosy, but hang onto your NoI MkIII or Springfield rifle and hold the bolt knob between your thumb and trigger finger. Never let it go and operate the trigger with your fourthe finger you can run the bolt and fire at the Hun much faster. I have lightened the firing pin springs a bit though but have no problems setting off those hard CCI primers. God save the Queen, to hell with Charles.
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.

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