Mosin-Nagant Stripper Clips

Started by Niederlander, February 16, 2024, 04:20:10 PM

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If any of you need stripper clips for your Mosin-Nagant, Sarco has them in stock now.  No idea as to quality or anything else, but they have them.
"There go those Nebraskans, and all hell couldn't stop them!"

Snake Oil

Available in quantities of 3 and 10 $1.25 each...

If you are looking for a lot eBay has some larger quantities... I bought a few and they seem well made... $27.75 for 40. If you have a friend nearby this might be a good option...
A day shooting is good for what ails ya!


Even better!  They do tend to get lost on skirmish runs...........
"There go those Nebraskans, and all hell couldn't stop them!"

Major 2

Do you use Trailboss in your Nagant ?

I have a Tula 91/30 dated 1944, that was given to my Business Agent.
We took it to the range once, when it was his with Soviet surplus ammo, it was not pleasant to shoot.
After three rounds, I was done, it's been a wall hanger since it was handed (given) to me (along with the remaining ammo.)
I guess Dennis was done too  ;)   
when planets the deal !

Snake Oil

I hope not to lose any, they are extremely shiny!!

I have not done a lot of load development, but my Russians really like a 220 grain lead gas check sized to .313 with 10 grains of promo.

I based this off of "The Load" 10 grains of Red Dot works for anything under a 100 yards in a 30 caliber round. I find it to be a fairly pleasant load to shoot... I also use it in my krags. I have also used it for long range, but have to really plan for some drop.
A day shooting is good for what ails ya!


Trai Boss works great in a Mosin.  Snake Oil's load sounds good, too.
"There go those Nebraskans, and all hell couldn't stop them!"

Major 2

I guess I should pull it off the wall. I'd need some brass and dyes, but why not  :-\

I have .312 Diameter 167 Grain FP - Grooveless Hi-tec coated Missouri Bullets.

This is the bullet Missouri Bullets offers for Mosin-Nagant, I use them in my SMLE
NO.1 MK.III* and Trailboss out to 50 yds.

when planets the deal !

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