Black Powder .45 Colt bullet

Started by Niederlander, January 07, 2024, 09:56:08 PM

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Gentlemen, What do you guys use for a .45 Colt bullet with black powder?  I've been using the Lee 230 grain round nose or the 250 grain flat point, but neither one looks as if it would carry enough lube for black powder.
"There go those Nebraskans, and all hell couldn't stop them!"


My armory duplication load (Frankfort Arsenal November 1873 load was 30 gr powder, 250 gr bullet, in a balloon-head case):

Winchester Large Pistol primer
Starline 45 Colt case
30 gr Goex FFFg
Ideal 454190 cast 20:1, lubed with SPG or one of my experimental lubes
OAL 1.6"

Velocity was ~875 fps from a 7 1/2" barrel.  No crimp groove in the original-design bullets, so roll-crimp just barely over the ogive. . . although taper-crimping these worked just as well, and gave more consistent velocities. 

I had a hollow-base version of the same mould but didn't see any difference in group sizes. 
In my book a pioneer is a man who turned all the grass upside down, strung bob-wire over the dust that was left, poisoned the water, cut down the trees, killed the Indian who owned the land and called it progress.  Charles M. Russell


I remain, Your Ob'd Servant,
Jerry M. "Pitspitr" Davenport
(Bvt.)Brigadier General Commanding,
Grand Army of the Frontier
BC/IT, Expert, Sharpshooter, Marksman, CC, SoM
NRA Benefactor Life; AZSA Life; NCOWS Life

Quick Fire

Dale, I  use an rcbs semi wadcutter bullet for my handgun loads. Carrys plenty of  my homade lube.
QuickFire                                 Lt. Colonel, Division of Nebraska                                                                                                                                                                          GRAND ARMY of the FRONTIER                                                         
NCOWS 1717


You can get by with a lot less lube if you only shoot them in handguns.


:) Neiderlander  ;)

I'll second the recommendation by Pitspiter.  When playing around or even playin at CAS, Big Heavy bullets and heavy powder charges really aren't necessary.

As mentioned by Abilene, when used in hand guns, one can use bullets with less Lube than a Rifle barrel.

Semi-Wadcutters are NOT good fodder for Rifles.  Especially Toggle Link rifles.  Semi-Wadcutters will jam consistently in rifles.

My personal Go-To is anything around 180 to 200Gr with 3f APP.  Lube is unnecessary.


These will only be fired in a 7 1/2" SAA.  So I could probably get by with what I have and just use SPG lube?
"There go those Nebraskans, and all hell couldn't stop them!"

Tascosa Joe

I use the 454190 mold with SPG, I also have a Big Lube 200 gr mold with SPG. Both work well in Rifle and Pistol.
I use the 200gr in Schofield cases when I am trying to duplicate the 44 Henry.
NRA Life, TSRA Life, NCOWS  Life


I use the RNFP 250 grain bullets from Missouri Bullet Company.   (just down the road, so I can pick them up, no shipping).   I use the powder coated ones (they were available) and put my own lube in the groove (55% bees wax/45% olive oil)  I shoot them in a R&D cylinder in a Pietta Remington.  i shot all day at GAF, only had to wipe down the cylinder pin at noon.   Clean up a breeze.


Looks like I'll just pan lube some of my regular bullets with SPG and use those.  Thanks, gentlemen!
"There go those Nebraskans, and all hell couldn't stop them!"

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