Cas City Forum Hall & CAS-L

CAS TOPICS => The Longbranch => Topic started by: Ruff on January 01, 2018, 08:43:23 PM

Title: Identity Theft and Child Support
Post by: Ruff on January 01, 2018, 08:43:23 PM
Howdy pards,

Yesterday as part of my year end personal clean up I went to pull a copy of my credit report to check for mistakes and out of date information. I was not able to verify online as the questions about open accounts did not match anything that I had. A call to Equafax and they could not verify me over the phone. I am mailing copies of my driver’s license, social security card and a couple of bills to prove address in the morning.

So this evening I went to the Child Support website to check that the extra payment that I had sent had posted. There were payments from income withholding's and I am disabled and not working. Seems that whoever is using my SSN is also getting hit with the child support order. I had to laugh.

Got a question and I will be talking to the child support agency on Wednesday, tomorrow is a holiday also for them, about this. I was wondering if anyone knew if those payments will count or will they remove them later and go back to the true amount? Will I get a penalty for this? At this rate the back amount will be paid off 4 months faster than I had projected.