Best Advice You Ever Gave Anyone........

Started by Shotgun Franklin, April 15, 2011, 02:16:41 PM

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Shotgun Franklin

'Son, if you ain't ready to meet Jesus you better stop.'
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.

Major 2

"say what you think ...those that matter don't mind ..those that mind don't matter "                '
when planets the deal !


"Do it like I say not like I do it" ... usually followed by 'Oops' or 'Oh Shi....." *S*
My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403

Texas Lawdog

"It's better to be judged by twelve than carried by six".
SASS#47185  RO I   ROII       NCOWS#2244  NCOWS Life #186  BOLD#393 GAF#318 SCORRS#1 SBSS#1485  WASA#666  RATS#111  BOSS#155  Storm#241 Henry 1860#92 W3G#1000  Warthog AZSA #28  American Plainsmen Society #69  Masonic Cowboy Shootist  Hiram's Rangers#18  FOP  Lt. Col  Grand Army of The Frontier, Life Member CAF
   Col.  CAF  NRA  TSRA   BOA  Dooley Gang  BOPP  ROWSS  Scarlet Mask Vigilance Society Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company  Cow Cracker Cavalry   Berger Sharpshooters "I had no Irons in the Fire". "Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie"?

Forty Rod

I used to tell young guys (I was 25 at the time) to "keep your spirits up and your ass down".

Heard it from an Army Master Sergeant high school ROTC instructor. 

After college I was commissioned and he attended the a bird Colonel.  He had taken a voluntary RIF to stay past 30 years and teach us poor dumb kids how to stay alive and retired at his highest held rank. 

A lot of what he and another old timer taught us wasn't on the official curriculum.

Thanks, Sgt. Martin and Sgt. Woolems, wherever you are.
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Tuolumne Lawman

When I was a FTO (Field Training Officer):  Told young recruits the analogy of the bulls:  Two bulls are up on a hill, a young bull and an old bull.  Looking down at the heard of cows below, the young bull says "lets RUN down there and grab us one."  The old bull says, "No, why don't we WALK down, and get them all!"
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

Michael Bear

When you shoot, shoot. Don't talk.-by Taco of course


"shoot until it's dead"-actual words from my supervisor; it was connected to law suit against officers


You can tell a perp he is "acting like an A@@WHOLE"  just don't call them an A@@WHOLE.

Crow Choker

Had a lowlife' make some threats once after bustin' him for possession of illegal smoking material. One of them 'teetered' on the fact that he had access to firearms. I asked him if he was threatening me, he just sat there with the same stupid look he had 24/7. I advised him, "You'd better make your first shot count because you won't get another!" Must have taken it into account, heard some time later he told some of his compatriots that I wasn't anyone to mess with.  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Darksider-1911 Shooter-BOLD Chambers-RATS-SCORRS-STORM-1860 Henry(1866)-Colt Handgun Lover an' Fan-NRA-"RiverRat"-Conservative American Patriot and Former Keeper & Enforcer of the Law an' Proud of Being Both! >oo


When making a traffic stop, always roll your window down 1/3 of the way. Then when you lock yourself outta your car, you can get back in without looking like a dipshit.


#2 If you think you gotta go to the bathroom, Go right then . If you wait, you will be directing traffic at the next call, at a busy intersection, while attempting to hold it.

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