Picture album of Cartridge box labels (updated 11/30/08)

Started by Hoof Hearted, October 31, 2008, 04:11:48 PM

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Hoof Hearted

I have been collecting these for quite some time. Over the last couple of years I have shared these with many of our members. Some of these labels are cropped and cleaned up already, most are not. I use New Print Shop to do this work but if a certain label interests you and you do not have the resources feel free to contact me and I'll help! ;)

Many of these cartridge box labels apply to Remington revolvers past and present (and there are "combustible" box labels here too) and many of them don't. But almost all of us have interest in other firearms ;D

I will add content about box construction, label material and so on as time goes by.

Also if any of you photoshop and improve these labels, please send me a file copy so I can add them to the photobucket pages!

Here is the link:


Most of them are in order of cartridge size (by number). Go to the bottom and click VIEW ALL to see them in their entirety.

Click and enjoy!

Yer Pard,
Hoof Hearted
Anonymity breeds bravado.......especially over the internet!
aka: Mayor Maynot KILLYA SASS #8038
aka: F. Alexander Thuer NCOWS #3809
STORM #400

Rusty Spurr

Rusty Spurr

I was off work a few months ago recuperating from carpal tunnel surgery.  Had a lot of time on my hands.  Made this box for my 32 S&W Longs.  Modeled it after one of the same labels on your Photobucket album.  (With a few changes).  Thought you would get a kick out of it.

Hoof Hearted

Anonymity breeds bravado.......especially over the internet!
aka: Mayor Maynot KILLYA SASS #8038
aka: F. Alexander Thuer NCOWS #3809
STORM #400


Wow, that is an awesome collection you have there, and many thanks for sharing!


Howdy Hoof..... great idea to bring this subject back to life.  Cartridge boxes are one of my favorite things with this sport.
Thanks for posting your album.

Rusty Spurr,...that's a mighty fine creation of a .32 cartridge box you made. I like your creativity. By the way, that Woodchuck Lard lube hits mighty close to home with me. I'll bet it's slicker than ewe-lard,...hehe
Thanks for posting your photos.  :)


Nice collection.  Thanks for posting . . . .  :)
Beware the man with one gun, he probably knows how to use it.

Rusty Spurr

Rusty Spurr,...that's a mighty fine creation of a .32 cartridge box you made. I like your creativity. By the way, that Woodchuck Lard lube hits mighty close to home with me. I'll bet it's slicker than ewe-lard,...hehe
Thanks for posting your photos.  :)

Thanks Oldelm

Marshal Will Wingam

Outstanding collection, pard. Thanks for sharing.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Hoof Hearted


All of ya'all  :D

My intention here is to provide a source for making cartridge boxes. So let's get some replies up about:

Places to buy

Anonymity breeds bravado.......especially over the internet!
aka: Mayor Maynot KILLYA SASS #8038
aka: F. Alexander Thuer NCOWS #3809
STORM #400


River City John,.......thanks for posting those nice labels. I like that Winchester .45 Cal picture box.
Good idea about making the 2-piece boxes with the string opener. Is that how they originally packaged them, with the string opener? Clever idea. I somehow thought that the purchaser just slit the seam with a sharp knife . 


I made up some custom 12 ga boxes a couple years ago.  Just checked the gun cabinet here in my "rollin' bunkhouse" and don't have any of 'em with me.  Will get down home soon and will be able to post some pictures.   Was a fun project.  Gave a box full of brass shell loads to a freind for Xmas that year and he was more thrilled with the box than the shells . . .  ;D
Beware the man with one gun, he probably knows how to use it.

Curley Cole

Here are some "just for fun" ammo boxes I made for me and some friends. I plan to do more when I get retired and have more free time. I have a bunch of ideas...

Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

Hoof Hearted

Now we're getting the ball rollin' boys!

River City

I hope you don't mind, but I copied yer labels into the photobucket so they'll be available for posterity ;)
Anonymity breeds bravado.......especially over the internet!
aka: Mayor Maynot KILLYA SASS #8038
aka: F. Alexander Thuer NCOWS #3809
STORM #400

River City John

Quote from: Hoof Hearted on November 01, 2008, 09:07:45 PM
Now we're getting the ball rollin' boys!

River City

I hope you don't mind, but I copied yer labels into the photobucket so they'll be available for posterity ;)
;D ;D And I hope you don't mind, I copied several of your full-frontal images of labels into my log of cartridge labels for future use.
Check out the three threads in the NCOWS Forum on 19th Century labels for sharing. The entire article has many contributions and tips for labeling in general, plus cartridge labels in particular. Be aware that the three threads are scheduled for deletion at the end of this month as they have been on that forum for over a year, so don't dawdle!

"I was born by the river in a little tent, and just like the river I've been running ever since." - Sam Cooke
"He who will not look backward with reverence, will not look forward with hope." - Edmund Burke
". . .freedom is not everything or the only thing, perhaps we will put that discovery behind us and comprehend, before it's too late, that without freedom all else is nothing."- G. Warren Nutter
GAF #275

Curley Cole


It is too bad that threads like yours can't be maintained for a longer period, they are WAY too useful to be lost...

just my thoughts..

thanks for your posts

Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

Bryan Austin

Hoof Hearted, any chance you can give dates of manufacture on the 44WCF and 44-40 boxes?
Chasing The 44-40 Website: https://sites.google.com/view/44winchester

Chasing The 44-40 Forum: https://44-40.forumotion.com

Hoof Hearted

Without going through a lengthy process ::)
I can tell you "probably after 1873" ;)

Let's see if anyone else has some info...................
Anonymity breeds bravado.......especially over the internet!
aka: Mayor Maynot KILLYA SASS #8038
aka: F. Alexander Thuer NCOWS #3809
STORM #400

Bryan Austin

Quote from: Hoof Hearted on November 03, 2008, 07:03:38 PM
Without going through a lengthy process ::)
I can tell you "probably after 1873" ;)

Let's see if anyone else has some info...................

lol, I'd say at least between 1873 and 1945
Chasing The 44-40 Website: https://sites.google.com/view/44winchester

Chasing The 44-40 Forum: https://44-40.forumotion.com

Bryan Austin

Was reading somewhere that it was thought that the 44-40 or rather the 44 WCF boxes where split boxes during the 1870s and 1880s.

Chasing The 44-40 Website: https://sites.google.com/view/44winchester

Chasing The 44-40 Forum: https://44-40.forumotion.com

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