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Gun Reviews / Re: pietta SAA trigger
Last post by Coffinmaker - September 17, 2024, 09:24:03 AM


Estecics and Trigger Control.  OK.  SAA Replicants are NOT intended to be paper-punching Bullseye target guns.  Trigger control is when the trigger works as advertisedzed - BANG and your "group" is minute of Pie Plate at 10 to 15 paces.

Incorrect trigger curvature in a SAA Replicant??  Really??  Who cares.  So long as it fits in the trigger guard and works as advertised, yer Gold. None of the Replicant manufacturers has tried are claimed "exact" replicas, not even Third Gen Colts are "perfect."  Ergo, I don't see any issues worth mention.
Tall Tales / Re: September Cawfee,Tea and A...
Last post by Silver Creek Slim - September 17, 2024, 08:50:52 AM
Morning y'all.
Coffee and tea are ready.

Taking today off because I verked Saturday. Going to cast some .45 ACP bullets for the Zoot shoot on Saturday.

'Tis 55 and sunny. High of 85 and mostly sunny.

The Longbranch / Re: Sad state of affairs
Last post by John44 - September 17, 2024, 08:43:05 AM
Got dam muillennial here. I don't know what to tell ya fellas. I'm here because I'm love history. I was so excited when I Discovered cowboy action shooting when I was a young teenager. I quickly lost interest in getting into CAS when I realized it was a game of standing in one spot shooting pop fart .38s at spitting distance as fast as possible. I thought that's it? No history? no Challenge? Shooting 2x2 steel 10 feet away? Lame! As I got older I realized that's not the entirety of the sport largely due to this forum. But I'd rather take a trapdoor hunting then spend train loads of money just to see who can work their short stroked hammer faster. Also many factors have caused issues for this sport. An example is I have found exactly two tins of 100 caps for my shooters in 4 years! When was the last time .44-40 brass was readily available? I don't known how to fix this predicament other than to try and keep the history of the old west alive as much as I can. Thanks to the all of the old timers here who have passed on the knowledge that I have gained here. I will do my best to carry it into the future. Check out western pioneer(Not me!) on YouTube for another "youngster" who probably sees things in a similar light.
God bless
Gun Reviews / Re: pietta SAA trigger
Last post by John44 - September 17, 2024, 07:36:11 AM
I have one Uberti and one pietta and the curve on the pietta is definitely off. The Uberti has the correct curve. I have swapped the triggers and it did work. Of course you have to make sure you have the correct sear contact with the hammer. Or have a gun smith do it if your not comfortable doing it yourself. I also swapped cylinder pins as Uberti pins have a full cynical cut instead of the flat cut on pietta.

ETA:Just noticed this is 4 years old but maybe the information is useful to some one.
STORM / Re: An outing with the Kirst-S...
Last post by Cheyenne Logan - September 17, 2024, 07:01:28 AM
 ;D Great looking shooters, the gun, by not you.... ::) ......'61 is a great gun, either percussion or
CAS City Classifieds / Re: WTS: Lot of 3 River Junct...
Last post by Pancho Peacemaker - September 17, 2024, 06:04:06 AM
These are sold.
The Longbranch / Re: A Little Latin Lesson: "Lu...
Last post by Professor Marvel - September 17, 2024, 01:26:41 AM
Ave, Imperator, morituri te salutant
  Hail, Emperor, those who are about to die salute you
  Well known gladiator phrase attributed to a mock naval event in the coloseum presided over by Claudius.

Panem et circenses
  Bread and circuses
From Satire X by Juvenal:
" Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses"

Carpe diem
Carpe noctem
  sieze the day, sieze the night

Amor vincit omnia
  Love Conquers All
  From a buncha poems called Eclogues By Virgil

Cogito ergo sum
  "I think, therefore I am"
  the "first principle" of René Descartes's philosophy. First lublished in french, later in latin.

In vino veritas
  in wine, there is truth',
   Often attributed to Pliny the Elder, suggesting a person under the influence of alcohol is more likely to speak their hidden thoughts.

Caeruleum calamum est in mensa
  The blue pen is on the table ... one of my little jokes

Sic transit gloria mundi
  Often translated as "All glory is fleeting" but literally literally "Thus passes the glory of the world".
  I got this one from the Movie "Patton" which I saw whilst still in high school and it stuck with me.

praeceptor miraculum
The Longbranch / Re: gunoholic
Last post by Professor Marvel - September 17, 2024, 12:25:50 AM
Here is one version of the caustic blue recipe

What you'll need:

Simple Green (or some other strong aqueous cleaner-degreaser)
lye (Sodium hydroxide; "Red Devil" brand lye works, sold as a drain opener. Be sure it is white and pure, no funky colored crystals.)
potassium nitrate ("Stump Remover" in the U.S., sold at hardware stores)
distilled water
container. Stainless steel or cermic lined. NOT ALUMINUM!
heat source
thermometer that can read up to 300 f./150 C.

Prepare the blue salts. The mixture is (by WEIGHT)
2 parts lye,
2 parts water,
 1 part potassium nitrate.

Fill a beaker or any suitable container (NOT aluminum) with 500ml water, 500 grams.
 Weigh out 500 grams lye.
Slowly add this to the water; it'll get very hot.

Obligatory warning: lye will melt flesh and/or blind you. Goggles, gloves, etc. This is a process for "big boys." Also DO IT OUTSIDE

Turn on the heat... bring the solution up to maybe 130 C.
The boiling temp is raised due to the lye.
Slowly add 250 grams potassium nitrate.
There is no noticeable reaction. Stir with a glass rod to dissolve.

In the mean-time, you can prep your parts. Wipe them down with acetone or similar. Then, what I did (and it seemed to work well) was put them in a pot, added pure Simple Green, and heated this to a near boil. Let them soak for 15 to 30 minutes at least. Grease and oil will be stripped. This is VERY important... surface prep and degreasing is 90% of the battle.

or brake cleaner. Or solvent or whatever

When the blue salts reach 275 F / 135 C, they are ready.

The parts should already be hung on stainless wire.

Remove them from the degreaser, and dip/swirl in clean, distilled water.
Shake excess water off.
Then, hang them in the hot blue pot.

Hack your watch. The reaction takes time.
Keep the heat between 135 C to no hotter than 145 C.

A good heat source is a plug-in hot plate or similar.
While the parts are cooking, get your rinse water ready... any container that can hold a liter or so of water.

After about 5 minutes, it should be noticeably black.
After 15 to 20 minutes, it'll be done.
Rinse them off in your rinse tank, then give them a thorough washing, paying attention to screw holes and such.

After the wash, you can improve the finish by buffing vigorously with an oiled rag, or 0000 steel wool.

Stolem from

praeceptor miraculum
The Longbranch / Re: gunoholic
Last post by Professor Marvel - September 16, 2024, 11:13:11 PM
Deacon: like

If it were mine, I would strip the finish and "reblue" using the caustic soda formula.

Let me know if you need the recide for that blue method. It comes out a very durable very dark matt blue that has a vague "militaryish" look.

praeceptor miraculum
The Longbranch / Re: A Little Latin Lesson: "Lu...
Last post by Professor Marvel - September 16, 2024, 11:09:54 PM
Deacon & Johnny
I appreciate your appreciation! We really do need a like button.

Johnny - i can relate! For some odd reason "they" never seemed to think it was important for the Altar Boys or the Choir to understand what we were saying....

Aaaaand back then we did not have google to help us. Had to rely either on the other kids in Latin class (if you trusted them) or the Latin Teacher. Somehow the Sky Pilots were too swamped with other important stuff.

praeceptor miraculum

More later
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