CAS in Columbus, NE

Started by Bow View Haymaker, August 17, 2009, 08:52:05 AM

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Bow View Haymaker

Here At Columbus Nebraska we have been trying to get more interest in our Cowboy matches Ecspecialy from the home club (The Columbus Rifle Club) I have come up with a set of catagories with simplified SASS groupings with a place for NCOWS shooters and a condensed set of GAF classes.  It still comes to 11 total then double that for ladies and/or Seniors.  I am hoping this could be more of a GAF type of shooting match.  A place to shoot a match similar to what you would see at a big muster.  Maybe allow/encourage some people to get invloved with the guns and gear they have instead of having to feel they need to buy before they can participate. 

We are planning a big match the end of August.  So far I have recieved NO registrations back in.  Maybe because we planned a two-day event and we are an unknown.  I hope we get a few preregitered so we know weather to even hold the event or not.
We could use all the help we can get.  I would like to see this become a home for GAF type matches for eastern Nebraska. 
Our club has a History of DCM/CMP matches as well as Bolt Action Military Rifle, Bufflo Silouhette and Alvin York matches.  There was even one called ".40 and over" (caliber not age) for a while.  So I know the old time Club members have alot of the Guns and gear to shoot a GAF or CAS match.  We just can't seem to get thier interest. 

Any ideas/encouragment is welcome.
Bow View Haymaker

GAF #522  Dept of the Platte
SASS# 67733 (RO II)
NRA life

Paul Arens

Dalton Masterson

BVH, I do wish I could make it, but that is our trip to Cody Wy that week. Its too bad, as we were planning on your shoot, but schedules dictate we go to Wyoming to see family then.
Both of our GI shoots have been down this summer as well, so I am thinking the primer/ammo issue might be part of the problem. (Hopefully that is the ONLY problem).
I will keep tryin to get folks up your way.
SASS #51139L
Former Territorial Governor of the Platte Valley Gunslingers (Ret)
GAF (Bvt.) Major in command of Battalion of Western Nebraska
SUDDS 194--Double Duelist and proud of it!
RATS #65
Gunfighting Soot Lord from Nebrasky
44 spoke, and it sent lead and smoke, and 17 inches of flame.

Bow View Haymaker

I appreciate you support.  I know I haven't made out your way any this year either. 
I just think if our home club doesn't show any interest and we don't grow our attendance any this year, then we will have to either cut way back or give up on CAS at the Columbus Rifle Club altogether. 
Bow View Haymaker

GAF #522  Dept of the Platte
SASS# 67733 (RO II)
NRA life

Paul Arens

Dalton Masterson

Well, I hope it doesnt come to that. We need as many shooting venues as we can possibly have.

Have you emailed Firewater or Yellow Rose at  Maybe they will come and will bring others.

I know that Flatwater was under 20 shooters last sunday, so maybe its just the time of year.

Hope it works for ya.
SASS #51139L
Former Territorial Governor of the Platte Valley Gunslingers (Ret)
GAF (Bvt.) Major in command of Battalion of Western Nebraska
SUDDS 194--Double Duelist and proud of it!
RATS #65
Gunfighting Soot Lord from Nebrasky
44 spoke, and it sent lead and smoke, and 17 inches of flame.

Bow View Haymaker

I mailed out about 100 fliers and Iknow Firewater was on the list.  I'm not sure about Yellow Rose. 
The wierd thing is the past 2 years our summer match ws our biggest. 
Actuallly the shooters from the surrrounding areas have been much more supportive than those from right here. 
The big problem is with our home parent club, Thier lack of interes in CAS and thier lack of willingness to promote our events. 
Bow View Haymaker

GAF #522  Dept of the Platte
SASS# 67733 (RO II)
NRA life

Paul Arens

Bow View Haymaker

Howdy to all our CAS friends,                  11/15/2009

   I am asking your help in determining if we should continue having CAS matches at the Columbus Rifle Club next year.  We have been trying for about 4 years now to provide another opportunity for Cowboy Action Shooters with limited results.  The Columbus Rifle Club has about 130 members.  There are 3 members who participate in the CAS matches and a couple of others who have helped or watched.  Most of our attendees have been from out of town and usually shoot at other clubs.  Their support of our matches is greatly appreciated.  We have averaged about 10 shooters at our matches.  This is barely enough to run a match smoothly. 
   We recognize that there are different types of CAS:  SASS, NCOWS, Western 3 Gun, and The Grand Army of the Frontier as well as independent clubs that are open to those from all of the above.  We have worked towards the latter, having a class structure that has a place for shooters from all aspects of CAS.  I have a few questions for you that might help us determine what we could do to attract more shooters or if it's time to leave the Cowboy Action matches to clubs with more interest in CAS. 

1.  Where is your "home" club or where do you shoot the most? 
2.  What type of CAS shooting do you enjoy the most? SASS, NCOWS, GAF, W3G, or independent (inclusive of all).
3.  Do you prefer 1-day "monthly" shoots or multi-day weekend events?
4.  What is your favorite part of CAS?  The shooting, the clothes, the history, the camping, the people, the reloading, the competition, the guns, is it the combination of them all or something else?
5.  Would you rather shoot 1-day matches on Saturday or Sunday, or a weekday evening? 
6.  Do you prefer a detailed storyline in the scenarios or just the basic order?
7.  Would you like to help build the CAS program in Columbus, Nebraska?
8.  If you have shot CAS with us, what did you like about the match?      What could we do better or different?
9.  If you haven't shot CAS with us, or don't want to, why not? (please be honest here.  That's what we need)
10.  Is there any 1 thing that would make you interested or more interested in shooting Cowboy Action at the Columbus Rifle Club?

   Please let us know your answers on these questions and ideas.  We really hate the idea of giving up CAS at CRC but without some changes, we will have to.  You can e-mail me your answers and ideas at or mail them to P.O. Box 1122, Columbus, NE 68602.  We are looking forward to hearing from you and hopefully planning at least a couple great matches for the 2010 CAS season. 
If you have any questions, call (402) 270-1697 or (402) 276-1391.

Bow View Haymaker (Paul Arens), CRC, NRA, SASS, GAF
Scruffy Skippy (Skip Fricke), CRC, NRA, SASS, GAF
Gunless Bigfoot (DJ Hogan), CRC, NRA, SASS, NCOWS

Bow View Haymaker

GAF #522  Dept of the Platte
SASS# 67733 (RO II)
NRA life

Paul Arens

Bow View Haymaker


We are leaning towards having an imformal shoot one friday evening a month.  This is how cowboy got started at our club and hopfully we can get more local interest again. 
We will be having at least one Sunday match also.  Probably the last weekend in October and mayb e the end of August as well.
We are still looking for input and ideas.  We welcome shoooters from GAF, SASS, and NCOWS and new shooters as well.
Bow View Haymaker

GAF #522  Dept of the Platte
SASS# 67733 (RO II)
NRA life

Paul Arens

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