Started by Professor Marvel, October 12, 2021, 03:58:02 PM

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Professor Marvel

Well my dear netizens,

It that season... Gotta be alert!

it is the pick your Medicare provider season,
So all the many scams and bait and switch artists and gypsies are out in full force.

Robocalls ( even tho banned) are swamping our phones, with obfuscated spoofed Caller ID numbers
Made to look like a local call, or something else.

Others are more blatant, especially those trying to look official ( some even scraped your data so they
Have your correct name) like one pretending to be from a mail-order pharmacy "about your prescription order" to get you to call them back.... Then their game is to try to get you to say "yes" on their recorded line, and they spoof it to sound like you agreed and they switch your Medicare provider.

I am hot about this right now, because I have been getting maybe 6 to 10 calls a DAY from spoofed numbers...

Leaving no message.

That is quite a few, so in my spare time I starting picking up and engaging them. Often while in the "outhouse" ...

Most all were asking for George Malone, then went into a spiel. This particular one was actually trying to do high-pressure cold calls to sell solar panels! I did string them along long enough to get sufficient data
To investigate their web presence then report them to the BBB, the FTC,. And the DONOTCALL folks.
The principle of this org has a tiny hole in the wall office in hicksburg Utah, fronting for over a dozen low rent companies selling lists of people's data. We will see how this pans out. I warned the last fellow that
I am recording all calls and if they continue will open a case with the FBI white collar internet crime unit.
It pays to have aquantences. Acquaintances, buddies...

In the meantime, I am now answering all calls with "Sherrif's Office, this call is recorded" .
Getting quite a few immediate "hung ups" now, and the call volume is reducing.

Then there are the email spammers.  The worst you are the ones that either do not offer "unsubscribe"
Or use that button to verify a live email .. 🥵

Be careful,
stay safe,
don't let the hooligans scam you
Watch your topknot
Keep the shiny side up and the dirty side down
Don't trust the Dark Side ( they lied! No cookies ...)
Kevlar is your friend
Adopt a pet from your shelter
Count your shots
And Everything in Moderation

Prof grumbles
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
President, CEO, Chairman,  and Chief Bottle Washer of

Professor Marvel's
Traveling Apothecary
Fortune Telling Emporium

Acclaimed By The Crowned Heads of Europe
Purveyor of Patent Remedies, Snake Oil, Powder, Percussion Caps, Cleaning Supplies, Dry Goods,
Picture Postcards

Offering Unwanted Advice for All Occasions
Providing Useless Items to the Gentry
Since 1822
Available by Appointment for Lectures on Any Topic

Dave T

We get so many of these my wife and I have gotten in the habit of listening just long enough to identify if the caller has a thick accent and if we hear other voices in the background (call center sounds) then we simply hang up without saying a word.  Since they just keep calling perhaps we should engage like the Prof.  Anyway it's a great pain in the neither region.



Answering machine on main number.  Leave your name and we'll get back to you, if we wish to.  If we don't know who's calling, we don't answer. Very few annoying calls.

Professor Marvel

Quote from: 38OVI on October 12, 2021, 10:26:25 PM
Answering machine on main number.  Leave your name and we'll get back to you, if we wish to.  If we don't know who's calling, we don't answer. Very few annoying calls.

Used to do exactly that until this last month, getting 10 to 15 calls without messages A DAY.
That's when I started picking up.....

If a person is sufficiently motivated, with enough free time, there are marvelous ways one can find satisfaction against such scalawags. Patience is the key, however.....
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
President, CEO, Chairman,  and Chief Bottle Washer of

Professor Marvel's
Traveling Apothecary
Fortune Telling Emporium

Acclaimed By The Crowned Heads of Europe
Purveyor of Patent Remedies, Snake Oil, Powder, Percussion Caps, Cleaning Supplies, Dry Goods,
Picture Postcards

Offering Unwanted Advice for All Occasions
Providing Useless Items to the Gentry
Since 1822
Available by Appointment for Lectures on Any Topic

Major 2

I've lost count how many calls I get a month wanting to offer Auto Warranty coverage.
They say "we see your coverage is about to expire" ( it's not ) and " this is courtesy call and  last attempt to reach me" 
( no clue how many LAST attempt's  I've gotten  (a lot !)
I've blocked so many.....

when planets the deal !


Scam phone calls is the reason we have maintained our landline. We do not give out our cell phone numbers other than to friends and relatives. Everybody else gets the landline number and if they call that number, the answering machine picks it up. They can leave a message, but no one ever does.


:)  Expiring Auto Warranties   >:(

Constantly calling.  We don't have a "land line" any more, but our phones have a setting that does not put a call through unless the call is from our contacts list.  Just automatically routs the call to voice mail.  Then we bock them. 

It's still dam'd annoying and they have a Server that finds and fakes out of service numbers and switches to a new annoyance.  I'd like to be able to hunt em down.

Just sent William Shatner up up and away


Just answer ,,," slorry,, landury , not weddy till flyday ".  ;D hang up.

  now , have a cup of coffee ,, Hootmix.


 We've started getting them in Spanish. I've no idea what they are saying.

Professor Marvel

Quote from: Oldgold on October 13, 2021, 12:55:32 PM
We've started getting them in Spanish. I've no idea what they are saying.

I used to use Russian... Learned a few phrases, such as

Ты говоришь по-русски?
vy gavaREEte paRUSSki ? Da? Nyet?

Or Lakotah
inskalah washichu!! Lakota woyegelaka hwo!

But now instead of playing with the poor sods at the call center whose sorry life consists
Of making these calls under the iron thumb of the sweatshop owner so they can eat,
I willing to chase down the actual perpetrator of the thing and get them shut down.

Prf mrvl
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
President, CEO, Chairman,  and Chief Bottle Washer of

Professor Marvel's
Traveling Apothecary
Fortune Telling Emporium

Acclaimed By The Crowned Heads of Europe
Purveyor of Patent Remedies, Snake Oil, Powder, Percussion Caps, Cleaning Supplies, Dry Goods,
Picture Postcards

Offering Unwanted Advice for All Occasions
Providing Useless Items to the Gentry
Since 1822
Available by Appointment for Lectures on Any Topic


1. You guys actually answer your phone for calls not already on your known list?  Huh.

2. If you're going to talk to them, make up your own language.


Quote from: Story on October 13, 2021, 07:07:12 PM
...2. If you're going to talk to them, make up your own language.

I like that.  ;D


I have an answering message that explains that I don't need a car warranty, I don't need a loan, i didn't enter a contest, I'm sure the IRS isn't about to arrest me. It ends with "if this is an emergency you should have called 911 first."
But when I have the time and the inclination I answer with "Bueno. Quien es?" when they try to talk I just keep saying "Como?" and "No puedo oir" I finally end with an unprintable obscene tirade in Spanish about why did you %$#&ing call call me if you can't speak to me. It has cut down on the calls.
My friend Zach does the same, except in Yiddish which really throws them off.
Use your imagination and have fun.
John In beautiful Art, Texas


I travel a bit so my phone stays on "airplane mode" when I switch it to check for messages usually for a half hour a day I can clear any messages. I can now leave it on for longer periods of time and get almost no robo calls.
WARTHOG, Dirty Rat #600, BOLD #1056, CGCS,GCSAA, NMLRA, NRA, AF&AM, CBBRC.  If all that cowboy has ever seen is a stockdam, he ain't gonna believe ya when ya tell him about whales.

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