1860 Henry Shooter Roll Call (JOIN HERE)

Started by Dakota Widowmaker, January 20, 2006, 11:09:19 PM

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Dakota Widowmaker

The new roster of members can be found in "1860 Henry Rifle Roster" thread above.
Edited by Rawhide Rio  5/7/09

Lone Gunman

You can see mine to the left of here in my avatar...it's the one without the wheels.  ;D
George "Lone Gunman" Warnick

"...A man of notoriously vicious & intemperate disposition"

B. Butch Cavendish

 Well all you can see is my face, but I got me one. A military version. Rosewood stock, gold reciver and a big silver bbl. In 44/40 Too prety to shoot...almost.
Butch Cavendish was the first lone Ranger bad guy. Arizona Rangers, Sons of confederate veterans, William Clarke Quantrill Society. Outlaw, lawdog, merchant, mercenary, Preacher. "Too mean to forgive, Too mad to forget."

USCG Flyer

I just picked up a .45 Colt, military version. It's a Taylor's import and I have about 50 rounds through it at the moment, and I hope to get out this weekend and try some different loads. Seems to be a good shooter.

Forty Rod

Had one for over 20 years (.44-40): Allen Arms (Uberti) out of Santa Fe.
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Papa Bear

Add me to the list.  I don't have one yet but am currently looking for one in .44wcf.  

For now I'll continue to shoot my "Improved Henry".

I wish more groups would use the no membership number option. 

Thanks for the plug on SCORRS.  ;)
Papa Bear

Soot Lord

Protect Your Rights to Keep and Arm Bears

Bull Schmitt

Count me in. I have an early Navy Arms Henry in 44-40.
Bvt Col Bull Schmitt
GAF Adjutant General
GAF Commander Department of the Atlantic
GAF Webmaster
SCORRS President & Webmaster

Papa Bear


SCORRS never did have any membership numbers.  There were a few members that were so used to the SASS numbering system that they counted down the SCORRS roster list until they came to their name and said I am number"X".  We did not want the "my number is lower than your number so that makes me better than you" attitude that is/was(?) in SASS. 
Papa Bear

Soot Lord

Protect Your Rights to Keep and Arm Bears

Steel Horse Bailey

Well, Howdy!

I aint better'n nobody, 'cept some dead guys, and I may not really be better, jus' luckier! ::)

I's got me a fine Improved Henry that is shown in my CAS City profile.  Since that time, I've got rid o' that Eyetralian Red shiney finish that was hidin' some real purdy Walnut and got a couple coats o' hand-rubbed tung oil on it.  I slicked it up too, an' now the innards slide t'gether real nice.  Even tho it's 45 Colt, I can keep it goin' purdy smooth for 'bout 50 rounds afore it gets sticky - an that's usin' hard-cast boolits with that nasty waxy lube!  I'm a gonna get me sum o' them BigLube (tm) boolits or a mould and start crankin' out proper bullets meownself.

(Country mode: off) Thanks Marshal, for the great new forum.  And Joss, you too, for suggesting it!
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Steel Horse Bailey

Oh, and my first "Cowboy" rifle was a borrowed 1860 Henry.  I STILL wish I'd bought it then, since it was for sale.
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Rapid Lee


Sign me up too, please!  I've had a Military Henry in 44-40 for some time now; I never polish the brass, just wipe it down and it's starting to get a really nice patina on it.  I keep a replica break down cleaning rod in the butt that I use at the end of each match.  I've been getting the itch to send it off to Happy Trails (The Smith Shop) to have it converted to the Transitional model... ;D


Oh, wanted to mention that I kinda like assigning roster numbers; I just think it makes your membership a little more authentic ;)

Ottawa Creek Bill

Vice Chairman American Indian Council of Indianapolis
Vice Chairman Inter tribal Council of Indiana
Member, Ottawa-Chippewa Band of Indians of Michigan
SASS # 2434
NCOWS # 2140
CMSA # 3119

Sam Perfye

Okay, sign me up. I've been shooting my Henry for main & side matches for 5-6 years. Made the switch to BP (30 gr. of APP) last year, what a hoot! Hope to have it converted to 44 Russ. by springtime.
Raise the Black Flag and ride hard boys, Our cause is just and our enemies our many.

Sod Buster

I don't have one yet but am shoppin' fer one.  Can you count me since I don't have one yet??
ROII, NRA RSO, NRA Benefactor, VSSA Life


Count me in. I have an older Navy Arms (Uberti) 1860 Henry with the sling swivels in very nice shape. 44/40  Love it
Watch yer topknot
See my ads in Cas City Classifieds

Sir Charles deMouton-Black

I'll sign on, with my Uberti carbine in .38 Spl.
NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
Those who are no longer ignorant of History may relive it,
without the Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
With apologies to George Santayana & W. S. Churchill

"As Mark Twain once put it, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

Kid Sopris



I'd like to ride with this Posse. I have a Civilian Henry in 44-40 that is a hoot to shoot with BP.

Rapid Lee, that itch has for a Transitional Henry Conversion by Happy Trails has been getting to me too, topped off with a little engraving by Longline Charlie. 8) 8) 
"I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man."
SBSS #638
BOSS #44
STORM #142
RATS #89

Rocky Rivers

I guess I got to join this fine group,got a Military model 1860,Improved Henry short rifle both in .45 and an improved Henry carbine in .38. ;D

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