Historically helpful packers/trekkers/wagoneers

Started by Wahkahchim, November 28, 2011, 10:50:21 PM

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I am wondering if there are any professional packers/trekkers/wagoneers who take people across the prairie or into the mountains for $$$$$'s. It's gotta be cheaper than buying a horse. :) But I'm seeking people I can learn from about the 1840's/1850's, not a modern "rubber tire" experience. Any thoughts? I'm just thinking about next summer. A Sierra experience on horseback is OK too.

Oregon Bill

Wahkah: These folks will make you one:


I'm trying to remember the name of a feller in southeastern Oregon that does what you're talking about. Give me a few to search the dusty attic under my hat ...


Much as it pains me to say this, as a former cattle ranch manager...I now live in a town.  :'( So if I'm going to have an historically accurate horse experience it's going to happen with a guide/horse owner. I don't want to become an urban horse owner: I watched them back when I was managing the ranch, and the care/cost/use ratio is way too high for me. So I'm looking for people who provide the ride for a fee. Yes, I'm sorry to say that I'm undoubtedly going to be dealing with the dude-ranch/horsepacker option, but for the $$$$ that's probably the wisest course. :)

Tascosa Joe

As an uncle of mine used to say if it flies, drives, sails, xxxxxxxx, or rides, rent dont buy.  You figure out what the x's mean.
NRA Life, TSRA Life, NCOWS  Life

Caleb Hobbs

I read an article several years ago about an outfit in Utah that offered camel tours. I haven't been able to locate that article, but I did find another one from some years back about camel tours through the desert. Couldn't find a website for her, either, but the article is at:  http://utahoutdoors.com/pages/camels.htm

Then there's this Texas outfit that packs in with camels, but with a focus on history. http://www.texascamelcorps.com/default.asp

It ain't horses or wagons, but Jefferson Davis' Camel Corps is certainly a part of our time frame. I'll keep looking for the outfit I read about earlier, although I'm not optimistic anymore. There used to be an outfit that advertised period horseback rides in, I think, True West Magazine. I'll go through some of my old issues and see if I can locate that, as well. Just some thoughts to bounce around...

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