
Started by Jake MacReedy, August 29, 2011, 04:15:01 PM

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Jake MacReedy

Sacramento Johnson


I was at the Chorro Valley  annual shoot this past month in San Luis Obispo and got to see a rifled musketoon in action.
A two stage black powder night shoot was held on Thurs before the match.   Now these night shoots aren't according to any SASS rules, and so a pard named "Walks under Buffalos", a long time frontiersmen shooter, brought one out, along with a pair of Walkers and a percussion double barrel shotgun.  He only fired two rounds out of the shotgun and took any additional shotgun targets as misses, but he reloaded and shot every rifle target with that front stuffer (10 on each stage) and had a funny running commentary going as he swiftly fired and reloaded, pretty much oblivious to the timer, more interested in smacking those targets with his 500grain bullets and watching the fire come out of the barrel!
The audience was most entertained, sprinkling his performance with laughter and applause!
(Come to think of it, Walks under Buffalos would be a natural for this group!)

Jake MacReedy

Now I would have liked to have seen that, Sacramento!  And I believe you're right, Walks Under Buffalo would be a perfect "fit" for our group!


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