Creating the Plainsmen Persona stage 1

Started by TwoWalks Baldridge, August 12, 2011, 10:57:29 AM

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Caleb Hobbs

Jake, I'm curious. What was the nearest settlement to where you were born in Indiana? My folks carved a place out of the wilderness near what would become Evansville in 1825. I was raised in Spencer County before going west to see the elephant.


Tascosa Joe

We attended the NCOWS National Shoot at Evansville this summer.  My first time to spend any time in Indiana.  There are several neat places to visit in the area.  Lots of river pirates and things like that.  We enjoyed the time.  When did you leave there and move west?
NRA Life, TSRA Life, NCOWS  Life

Caleb Hobbs

T-Joe -- My wife and I moved to Utah in 1985. Hard to believe it's been that long. I'd love to go back there someday to attend the NCOWS Nationals, but I've got another annual commitment during that time. Maybe someday. River pirates are another fascinating period in our nation's history. Did you make it to Cave in the Rock?

Tascosa Joe

Not this year, we are going back next summer and hope to do a few more things in that part of the world.  My son recently relocated from Laramie to south central PA.  Culture shock for him and wife, but it gives me a reason to wander around parts of the Old North West Territory.
NRA Life, TSRA Life, NCOWS  Life

Jake MacReedy

Caleb, my family settled in what would become Ohio, Ripley and Switzerland Counties in Southeastern Indiana.  Before that, they resided down in Boonesborough, after having crossed the Cumberland Gap with Daniel to help establish that fort and town.  So, in essence, I did what my "character" did, only in a much later time period.  My "job" here in Iraq is, in essence, scouting for the Army!  And I really am 58 years old!


Caleb Hobbs

Jake -- I never made it up to the Switzerland County area. Probably the closest was the NMLRA Nationals at Friendship. Never been to Boonesborough, either, which I regret. Lot of fascinating history in that part of the country

Jake MacReedy

Before my Dad passed away last year, he lived about 30 minutes from Friendship.  He was a vendor at the Shoots for years.

I have a standing order with Mike Miller to build me a flintlock Plains Rifle of the type that was carried in Texas in the 1840's.  Hopefully, I will have it in my hands sometime next year!

Jake MacReedy


It's the year 1863.  Things are a mite touchy out here on the Southern Plains, what with the War Between the States goin' on.  I've been makin' my living out here long before them blue-bellies and Rebs showed up, raisin' such a ruckus!  Makes it a mite hard for folks to ply their trade and make their livin' with all this shootin' and raidin' goin' on! Came out here in the 1830's, when I was yet in my 20's...was a free trapper, an escort for the freighters on the Santa Fe Trail (knew ol' Kit Carson 'fore he became a Colonel in the blue bellies Army!...even helped him out in 1841 when he and them other fellers saved that wagon train...them Colt's Paterson revolvers sure came in handy that day!)

Now I scout for the blue bellies and slip in and out of Texas for 'em from time to time.  Got me a good Colt's Army revolver that I won in a poker game off a young Texas Ranger back in early 1861, right after the war's one of 'em that has a "fluted" cylinder...heard Ben McCullough got 'em from ol' Sam Colt hisself just 'fore the war started (some say that ol' Sam actually smuggled them guns into Texas after the hoorah had already got underway!).  It's a great shooter, with almost the same power of my old Dragoon...but it's a lot lighter!  An' I still got my ol' Model 1842 Short Rifle Musket, that's been my companion for quite a spell now.  It'll throw a big chunk o' lead quite a distance, if you hold 'er right!.  Not bad "companions" to have out here on the Plains, where a man never knows who's gonna show up in his camp at night!


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