Garrett Sharps fouling

Started by smittyc7, November 12, 2023, 09:08:48 PM

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I have a Garrett Sharps .54 that I picked up from a reenactor friend.  I decided to live fire it, so I've poured bullets, made muslin cartridges, and took it out.  At 25 meters (my son's soccer field) I put a decent grouping a bit to the right and up a bit within an acceptable target.  At 6 rounds, it was impossible to drop the breech.  Shooting fffg, about 45 grains.  Does the Garret have a sliding sleeve?  I didn't notice any blowback, but I would have hoped to get off more that 6 before cleaning.  I don't know much about the Garretts, I carried an Armi Sport or and IAB reenacting, but traded those off.  It does have a working primer system.  Any clues where I can find a good source of info on the Garretts?

Thanks in advance,

Cheyenne Logan

Here's a couple of good videos on a Garrett Sharps and the problems he had.....Wonderful guns, mine is a "conversion" model using 45-70 cartridges

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