Division Of Illinois Muster, 29 July 2023

Started by LT Col Long, July 31, 2023, 03:10:04 PM

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LT Col Long

29 July 2023
To: Brig. Gen. Pitspitr, Ladies and Gents of the GAF at Large
Subject: Division of Illinois Muster


It Is my pleasure to report that the Div. Of Il. Muster was a great success. 14 troops took to the field to demonstrate proficiency with rifle and pistol. 3 New troops were introduced to the Gatling Gun and their smiles could be seen throughout Winnebago County.  The match consisted of 2 steel stages, a 2x4 (2 squads demonstrating), and one of the steel stages was pistol only 6 targets as fast as you can.
2 new troops were introduced to the "FUN" of the GAF and 1 came away as a class winner!

The classes broke down as follows:
1. Sgt Moose: 150.53
2. Duckie: 173.49
3. Mike Morouney: 277.85

1. Col Strong (Since he was the only one in class, well he was 1st, 2cnd, and 3rd) And, his Trapdoor Carbine was tuned to perfection!

SCOUT (I will list the first 4, as this class was VERY competitive.
1. Johnny Popper: 92.85
2. Smiley: 211.40
3. Whiskey River Mike: 185.26
4. Sindely Whiplash: 185.97

1. Ani Long (1st muster)
2. Geoff Upton
3. Sadie Long (1st muster)

1. Johnny Popper: 5.68
2. Sgt Moose: 7.92
3. LtCol Long: 10.86

Overall Division of Illinois Champion: Johnny Popper.

Now I did promote 2 individuals and caught both of them by surprise!! I promoted Snidely Whiplash to Captain of Scouts, Division of Illinois. Additionally, I promoted Johnny Popper to Major, Vice Commander, Division of Illinois. (All are BVT'D, of course.) That ceremony was priceless and Col Strong to part in the pining of rank!!
The states were represented as follows: 4 troops from Nebraska, 4 troops from Wisconsin and 6 troops from IL.

Sir this concludes my report,

Lt Col Long, Commander Division of IL.

LT Col Long

Oooops I goofed on the scout class... Smiley should be 4th and WRMike and Snidely move up one place.  Sorry..:(


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