1860 Henry Shooter Roll Call (JOIN HERE)

Started by Dakota Widowmaker, January 20, 2006, 11:09:19 PM

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Major 2

Quote from: chuckerbird on August 04, 2014, 07:51:27 AM
Received my HRA model H011 about a month ago. Would like to join the roll call.

So far as I know , you and I are the first to have these ...I got mine last fall ....and wrote a gun review posted else-were on this Forum ...
Welcome to the clan  :)
when planets align...do the deal !


That was a good review. Have you been able to try any long range shots?  Using some 205gr load-x or my reloads, I can consistently ring the
400 yard gong at the local range. Absolutely no problems with it so far. Looks good and shoots good.

Major 2

I tried it informally @ 300 yards on the silhouettes of 12" Buffalo....hit them with enough thwack to knock them over every time.
Aimed center mass under the hump and that's where it hit  :)

Magtech 225 Grain
when planets align...do the deal !


When you hit the target with a 200+ grain bullet, that sure puts a grin on the old face.  Takes about a second for the sound to reach back.
What a blast.


My Henry is on order...

Actually two of them.  One for my pard as well.  18.5" guns.  Just hope the wood is as nice as promised by the "AA".   Anyone know how many the carbine version will actually hold in the mag tube?

"time leaves tombstones or dry bones"  SASS #2903


Count me in. I have a 1860 Henry "the original" H011D Deluxe Engraved edition.

Major 2

when planets align...do the deal !


Count me in.
I got my 1860 about 8 months ago and I love it. Shoots great !
here's a pic with a case I made for it

Major 2

when planets align...do the deal !

Ike Kant

Back in 1999 Deb and I visited the Crazy Horse Monument in the Black Hills.  They had a Crazy Horse commemorative Henry rifle on display.  I was immediately blown away with how beautiful the rifle was.  It became my goal to own one.  That was what got us interested in Old West firearms and led eventually to seven years of CAS.  

Deb bought a Uberti .44-40 Military Henry for me within a year of seeing the Crazy horse rifle.  It is my favorite gun by far and trust me, that is saying a lot.  It has only been used with real BP and will never shoot smokeless powder as long as I live.  After I am gone it will go to my dear friend, Deb's brother-in-law in Tennessee.  He's a Johnny Reb but can always tell folks that it was a battlefield pickup.

My uncle has an original that was used in the War Between the States.  It has the owners name engraved on the frame.  He even has some period .44 rimfire bulllets.  It was purchsed in 1960 for $600.  It is in really nice shape too.  He told me that the seller had six of them that day and he kicks himself at least once a week for not buying them all. 
"We should come home from afar,  from adventures and perils and discoveries every day, with new experiences and character." - Henry David Thoreau

Major 2

Great ... story and a fine legacy,   welcome

I' Kan make you # 179
when planets align...do the deal !


I have a Cimarron military version - bought it used in 1996. Soon to be "transitioned" - see posts.


Major 2

when planets align...do the deal !

Molasses Mike

I'm in...have had one for years. Uberti 45lc and is accurate.
                       Molasses Mike :)
V.F.W. life
N.R.A.  life
S.A.S.S. life

Major 2

You are # 181. Molasses Mike ...welcome
when planets align...do the deal !


Count me in. I have a brass frame and a steel on it way.

Major 2

Mike I'm surprised , I would have though you were already on the roster  :-\

# 182. Mike .... belated welcome  :)
when planets align...do the deal !



Major 2

when planets align...do the deal !


I love it. Keep your Powder dry. and mag loaded.

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