1860 Henry Shooter Roll Call (JOIN HERE)

Started by Dakota Widowmaker, January 20, 2006, 11:09:19 PM

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Branding Iron Bill


I'd like to added to your list.  I have 3 uberti Henrys:

1. Early mfg. Military Henry in the white serial # range 024XX 44-40 (favorite)  Real flashy! Keep it highly polished.

2. Iron frame (not case hard) 1 of 1000 from navy arms 44-40

3. Brass civilian 44-40 recent mfg.

Such abundance!  Can't hep it, enjoy collecting them! ;D
Patrick  D.
AKA Branding Iron Bill SASS 2019
6th generation son of the Texas Republic since 1824
A proud Henry owner.
STORM (Love my R-M 44's)

Patrick Henry Brown

Just bought a Military model Uberti in 45LC for SASS Competition. Will also cross-over if I ver shoot NSSA again. Had one several years ago -- a Navy Arms in 44-40. Believe I'll like the 45LC better. At least it will go well with the conversion cylinders on my 1860 Army and Remmie 1858. I'm all grins.  ;D ;D ;D

Major 2

There are those that will tout 44/40 ...I had one (I'm sorry I sold it in 1990)  :-[
But now I have two in 45 and like you I prefer it... and the same reasons,  conversion cylinder on my 2nd Gen 1860 Army and Remmie Forge frame conversion.

Black Dawg 45's work very well , I also have some Clear Shot Sub reloads
when planets align...do the deal !

The Dispatcher

How do I sign up. Know more about guns then Forums. I shoot a 44-40 Military. I chose 44-40 because I Sometimes go to the Darkside. The Dispatcher

Dirty Brass

I finally took the plunge and bought a Navy Arms today off of Gunbroker. Price was right at under $800.00, and it is claimed to be new-unfired. Since my 1866 is in 44-40 I opted for the same caliber in the 1860 - just seemed more authentic. I imagine I'll strip down the blueing and work on darkening the brass once it arrives. I prefer the older vintage look on my brass framed guns. In the mean time I'll be looking for some more cartridges! :)

Steel Horse Bailey

Quote from: brassmagnet on July 10, 2008, 09:04:52 AM
I finally took the plunge and bought a Navy Arms today off of Gunbroker. Price was right at under $800.00, and it is claimed to be new-unfired. Since my 1866 is in 44-40 I opted for the same caliber in the 1860 - just seemed more authentic. I imagine I'll strip down the blueing and work on darkening the brass once it arrives. I prefer the older vintage look on my brass framed guns. In the mean time I'll be looking for some more cartridges! :)

Howdy Brassmagnet!

Don't go out of yer way, the simple fact of shootin' BP is gonna take that shine off yer brass receiver and cartridges perty fast by itself!

About the bluing:  Are ya trying to make the gun look 100 yrs. old?  Or just gittin' the "new" off it?  The reason I ask is that if you're tryin' to look like ya "belong" back then, yer guns would've  been fairly NEW - not all grayed out or brown.  (I like the look of the "antiqued" guns, but since I portray a feller who is alive back then, my shootin' irons wouldn't look like they're 100+ yrs. old!  See whut I mean?)  I want my '66 to look about 10-15 years old - and well cared-for ... which I think it does.  And it is.


Anytime you can make that trip to Indiana, be sure and let us know yer comin.'  I ass-ume you'd be comin' to a Great Lakes Freight & Mining Co. shoot (not far from the eastern Indiana border just off of I-70) as opposed to a Scarlet Mask Vigilance Committee shoot near Martinsville, which is about 30 min. south of Indy.  No matter: MANY of us belong to BOTH Indiana NCOWS clubs!  We'd be proud ta have ya come a visitin'!

"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Dirty Brass

Thanks for the invite Steel Horse Bailey. One never knows where he will end up at the end of the week :)

I understand your point about not looking vintage if portaraying that era. I have a few smoke poles in glittery new condition also. This 1860 will sit next to my 1866 model in the cabinet, and I want them to match, along with some wall hangers I have in my family room. Kind of an early american/modern depiction of the times. Museum look I guess would be more accurrate. I usually strip the blue, and then brass-black the metal lightly and unevenly to give it a worn look from a scabbard or blanket - even rubbing a saddle-horn. Here's a pic of the '66 next to a '76 Win. (Uberti) to show what I mean. I'll give some more thought to stripping down the blue on the new 1860 - the brass part is definately losing it's shine tho  :)


Next to my Sharps, my 1860 Henry is the coolest rife I own.  Just had it a few months.  Traded a 500 S&W for it in Eagle River Alaska.  Shoots 45 colt.

Tom Bullweed

Been shooting CAS for three years... Duke Wayne guns: 1892 Winchester in .32-20 (c. 1905), Colt SAA's and SxS double.
Just got a used American Arms Henry 1860 in .45 Colt.  I am hoping to start playing with Frontier Cartridge loads and moving from Duelist by the end of the year.

Bristow Kid

I would like to join the ranks of Henry shooters.  I just picked up my first Henry.  Its a Navy Arms Military Henry chambered in .44-40.
Prayer Posse
NCOWS #2540
Grand Army of the Frontier #437
Department of the Missouri
PWDFR #149
RATS #233
SASS #68717

Silver Creek Slim

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

Bristow Kid

Prayer Posse
NCOWS #2540
Grand Army of the Frontier #437
Department of the Missouri
PWDFR #149
RATS #233
SASS #68717

Forty Rod

Wonderful choice and a great way to start Henrying.
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Cliff Hanger

It has been a very long time since I was in cas city. But I do still have my badge from the first offering.

Anyway. 1860 Henry. Mine started life as an Uberti 1860 Henry in 45LC. Shot it for several years putting up with all the troubles that come with shooting BP in 45LC. Then I checked in to relining the barrel to 44-40. While checking I happen to talk to Maria Uberti and mentioned the modification I was thinking of doing. I had already learn of the cost to reline and was ready to take the plunge when Miss Maria said she had a new Henry barrel complete on the shelf in 44-40 that I could have for $200.00 I almost cut myself in half whipping out my credit card from my back pocket. Within two weeks the deed was done and I haven't looked back.

The rifle as a 45LC was a very nice rifle. Shot smokyless without a second thought. But as a 44-40 it will shoot all day long either smokyless or BP.

The 1860 Henry not unlike the Sharp's 1874 single shot rifle may not be the fastest gun on the range but it certainly gets very high style points.



My Henry is an iron Navy Arms all in white, 44-40, one of one thousand engraved in script on top of receiver, traded for years ago while shooting Buck Creek with the Commanche Valley Vigilantes.


how do you contact maria uberti? would like to find out if she could sell me a 1860 henry barrel in 44 caliber finished except unchambered. then i could have it chambered to 44 russian. with the new 44 russian carrier i ordered today i would have a very close copy of the original 44 henry. any info would be very helpful. thanks, kurt250 aka- gotzguns

Major 2

Kurt...I can hook you up with Gardone, with my contact ,but I'll have to do it from home
I don't have that info here at work. If someone else and do it all the better time wise. :)
when planets align...do the deal !

James Henry Parker

Howdy Pards,
Would like to sign up on the roll been shooting a 1860 Henry 45lc   going on two years love the way she shoots and looks.
Puts class in Classic Cowboy. ;D
James Henry Parker

shamrock john

Howdy All,  I'd like to sign on to the Henry crew. Just purchased a Cimarron Iron 1860 in 44-40. Won't have it for a couple of weeks, but I have greatly enjoyed the info and storys on this board. Also a RATS and a SSS. Thanks, Shamrock John

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