50-90 Sharps to 56-50

Started by SgtMak, December 18, 2024, 06:26:06 PM

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Picked up some 50-90 Sharps. Trying to get info in how to convert to 56-50. Any help be appreciated.

El Supremo

Hello, SgtMak:

The SORI section on the Forum's main page contains several useful Threads about 50-70/90 conversion to 56-50. I recall you might have an Armisport Spencer, which has slightly different chamber dimensions. 

If need more, please PM me your full contact info, including N-SSA member number and your phone number, and I will share a file.

Because of AI "fakers", I no longer share my files unless I can speak with you first. Sorry.

El Supremo/Kevin Tinny
Pay attention to that soft voice in your head.


El Supremo

Thanks, SgtMak:
Nice to have your info and to know you are "real". 
I emailed more info.
Please post crisp, close-up's of your Spencer.
Tx. Smiles.
El Supremo/Kevin Tinny
Pay attention to that soft voice in your head.

Sedalia Dave

Is this for an original Spencer or for a reproduction?

If for a reproduction I might have some extra brass that I am willing to swap.

If for an original, PM me so we can talk. I have experience cutting down 50-90 Sharps 2 1/2 to 56-50.

El Supremo

Hello, SgtMak:
Please keep us posted on what you learn and your progress. Thanks
All the best.
El Supremo/Kevin Tinny
Pay attention to that soft voice in your head.

El Supremo

Please see the Annealing Thread for a recent Post about the mixture of salts possibly making a difference.  Thanks.
El Supremo/Kevin Tinny
Pay attention to that soft voice in your head.


So this has been an interesting learning experience and want to thank Kevin for his wealth of knowledge. So I started to cut down 50-70 brass to 56-50 using the harbor freight mini saw and the 50/70 to 56-50 jig that one guy sold on ebay. After the first batch I cut i found that the overall length of the cartridge with the jig was 1.25. So next I used an Lyman Accutrimmer with the 50/70 pilot to cut down to 1.17 to 1.18. This took a bit of time and muscle in the forearm but my first batch came up too short in length. I cut the brass to overall length of 1.10. (didnt pay close attention there). They did eject fine from the spencer i have when i hand fitted the cartridge into the bore. However, I had still overcut the cartridge. Next I cutdown 50/90 sharps from starline. So this one I used two jigs. The first was a jig from 50/90 to 50/70 to use with the saw. No problem with cutting that brass down. Next I used the jig from 50-70 to 56-50 with the saw. Same length as the first batch and they came to 1.25 in length. Now this time I paid attention using the Accutrimmer and cut the 50/90 cutdown to 1.17 to 1.18. Next Step I used the Lyman 50BMG Multi tool to debur and chamfeur the case head. This worked pretty good. Final step was to reanneal the cutdown cases using the salt annealing kit from csshooterssolutions on etsy (different company and salt formula from a couple years ago). Annealing was easy and overall i reannealed 150 cases of cutdown brass to 56-50. Final step now is to experiment the brass in the Spencer with the bullet and that will be forthcoming. This was a bit of work and a good learning experience.

El Supremo

Nice help, SgtMak:

One thing we may have texted about is that new, fresh cases, once cut to a specific length, often change OAL during initial sizing, first firing and mouth area sizing.

So far, none of mine have changed OAL from reannealing. Hunter Pilant, Starline's Process Manager, confirmed annealing does not change OAL. 

I cut my 50-90's a little long, anneal, FL size, form fire, size only mouth to bullet depth and may retrim.  From there, the case length should hold. 

El Supremo/Kevin Tinny
Pay attention to that soft voice in your head.

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