Rossi buttstock dimensions to Original

Started by Black River Smith, March 02, 2020, 01:32:42 PM

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Black River Smith

Just how close is the newer Rossi carbine buttstock to original 1892's?  I have not found good clear pictures of originals to make a judgement call.

The Rossi I have seems to be rather narrow/flat, no radius on sides and not very tall.  The comb area seems to be a full length flat surface with no curvature at comb and back some like originals. Butt measures only 4" high by about 1-1/4" wide.

What is the average Original Win92 measure? If anyone can provide that info.
Black River Smith


Can't help with dimensions, but there are lots of good clear pics on

Black River Smith

Thanks for the site.  Lot of pictures.  I can tell that there is a lot of wood to be removed to make the comb a more traditional old style shape.  Like I would prefer.

But I think I still need one good full top photo of an original before I would start reworking it.  Plus knowing what the height, widest width, and width of top buttplate are important just to see if 'reworking' would make the overall buttstock too small.
Black River Smith


Sooooo,, you did get you a Rossi 92 ?

What cal.? barrel lngth. ? new or used ? :)

coffee's ready ,, Hootmix.

Black River Smith

It was a new 44Mag 20".  Already changed the plastic follower for a steel one.

Still would like to find an older rifle version.  But this will do for now for the '92 action experience.  It is very short for my 14" pull/forearm length.  That is why I prefer most rifle versions.
Black River Smith

Black River Smith

For anyone interested, like me, the dimensions of the Rossi are true to originals.  That is according to a book by Pirkle - Winchester Lever Action.

The only thing I still see is the comb back to the buttplate tang has a lot of reshaping, to be more desirable, according to photos of 1866's, 1873's and 1892's, I could find.
Black River Smith


 Ditto , read the same thing last nite.

  coffee's ready ,, Hootmix.

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