Well, I had to do it... Picked up a 44-40 Rossi

Started by Tuolumne Lawman, May 03, 2017, 06:45:29 PM

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Tuolumne Lawman

Was presented with an opportunity to pick up a 95%+ Rossi 65 (model 92) in 44-40.  Action smooth and polished, and a CAS style leather finger wrap on the bottom of the lever.  Best thing is it was $419!  Considering what prices I have seen, that seemed like a really good price.  My first SASS rifle was also a Rossi 65 in $44-40, although I gave $325 for it gently used in 1994!  20% price increase in 23 years doesn't seem too bad...

While my main match rifle is a .45 Schofield shooting Uberti 1860 Henry, I like the 92 design for it's versatility.  I thought it might be a good back up main match gun, or a good one to use on a stage that requires loading an 11th round.  The Henry IS NOT easy to do that on!

I used to load a 200 grain jacketed soft (flat) point .428 bullet over 23.5 grains of 2400 for my 1950 FPS 92/94 only hunting round.  Good brush gun.  I like the .44-40 as it is an original Cowboy rifle caliber, unlike the .44 XL (.44 Magnum case) some prefer.  The 44 WCF just feels "Right!"
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

Tuolumne Lawman

Funny, the closer it gets to getting the 92 in 44WCF, the more excited I get about shooting it in matches!  I have about 275 rounds of brass, powder, a LEE 4 die set with factory crimp die (an absolute necessity with 44-40), Powder, and primers.  I also have a 5-pack of the Cheyenne Pioneer cartridge box 44 WCF boxes.  All I need to do is stop at the LGS and pick up a 500 box of Bear Creek 200 grain lead RNFP .428s.

I looked into to using trail boss like I do in my .45 Schofield "Henry Duplication Loads" (200 grain bullet and 7.0 grains TB in a Schofield case) that I use for the Henry and the Open Tops. I found out, though, that even max loads of Trail Boss are dismal in 44-40 velocity wise.  I am going to revert to the 9.0 grains of Unique that I used in the Marlin Century Limited I used 5 years ago (boy I wish I still had that one!).  Taffin says that the 9.0 grains of Unique duplicates the original 1300+ FPS of the original 40 grain, balloon head, black powder loads.  It was DEALY accurate from the Century Limited.

I have a feeling my Henry will sit out more than a few matches! ;D
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

King Medallion

My Rossi 92 is an older on with no safety and no saddle ring. The day I got it, it fell over and left a nice ding in the fore stock. I was soooo mad at myself! Anywhoo, i refinish the wood, never did like the blackish stock finish. Cut off the stock flat, added 1 1/2" of wood to add some length of pull, and added a butt cover. Also put on a full buckhorn rear sight. Now its perfect for me. Had an action job done to it, it's been my main CAS shooter for almost 20 years, not one hiccup yet. I shoot .428's with 4.5 Trail Boss. Perfect load in all 6 of my 44-40's.
King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

Baltimore Ed

Hope you have better luck than I had. I bought a new big loop 92 Rossi in .45 lc and wore it out in a year or so. Sent it back to interarms and they sent me a new one which I promptly sold and bought a used Marlin cowboy ltd. We're talking years ago so maybe yours is ok. Good looking rifle, hope she holds up. If they move, kill'em.
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.

Tuolumne Lawman

The one I picked up is an older one with the almost black furniture, and I think it is pre-safety.
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

Baltimore Ed

I do have a Rossi that I love. It's a copy of the Winchester .22 pump gallery rifle. Mine is nickeled with a blond stock and forearm minus the stupid safety on the bolt. A very nice rifle.
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.

Tuolumne Lawman

Well, the Rossi is in 10 day Californication waiting period jail.  It is pre-safety, has the leather wrapped, lever, and is well polished for CAS!  I ordered a Marbles rear semi-buckhorn sporting sight to replace the original bent metal Rossi sight.  The early Rossi rear actually works really well for me, but is really FUGLY!  My last one I used the Marbles.

I am also going to strip the dark finish off the wood, and see what I get.  maybe natural with BLO on it.  On a side note, I just traded a Bersa 380 for a .44-40 Cimarron Thunderer with a 4.75" barrel.  It actually came from the same owner as the .44-40 Rossi I just got!

I'll make this my back up main match pistol, in case one of my 1872 Open Tops dies!
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

Baltimore Ed

I was lucky enough to pull one of these out of the hat at the NE Regional in Md years ago except mine was a .45 Uberti with checkered grips and the shorter bbl. A very nice revolver. At that point imo I had won the shoot so I had a good time. Nicest gun I'd ever won. I also won a .44 Ruger semi rifle at a .22 match but didn't keep it very long. But I've still got the Birdshead Uberti.
Pardon my french--- I've still got my Uberti with the Thunderer grip.
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.


Girrrrrrr ..... Snap ....... Snarl ...... Snap .......

As shown, that is NOT a Birdshead grip.  It's a THUNDERER grip.


Just bugs me to no end when it (the THUNDERER) is called a Birdshead  ;D

Mean Bob Mean

Nice picks mate, better send them to me for a ten year evaluation.
"We tried a desperate game and lost. But we are rough men used to rough ways, and we will abide by the consequences."
- Cole Younger

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