Bat Dillon did not often practice.

Started by Darto, September 05, 2023, 04:51:55 PM

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Unlike his twin brother, the Marshall, Matt Dillon.

Major 2

Would have played hell on the long run Gunsmoke enjoyed  ;D
when planets the deal !


I got my first gun spinning lesson from him [ Arvo Ojala] when I was 5 or 6. I was walking through my Grands house with my cap guns on, and he was there for a BBQ. He and his wife were friends of my Grandparents. Several days later my grandmother pointed my new friend out on the opening scene of Gunsmoke!  DR
Life is a rush into the unknown, You can duck down real low and hope nothing hits you, Or stand up tall, show it your teeth,and say "Dish it up Baby and dont get stingy with the Peppers!!!"


 :)  HA!!  ;)

I rather fancy the "Alternate" ending I do   :o  ::)

DARTO:   Actually that be "MATT " Dillon.  Some later in history one of his decendents created DILLON PRECISION

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