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Tall Tales / Re: October Ghoolies & Ghostie...
Last post by Johnny McCrae - October 12, 2024, 03:52:04 PM
Back home. Condo okay. No power.
Big mess all over the area
Tall Tales / Re: October Ghoolies & Ghostie...
Last post by Major 2 - October 12, 2024, 02:38:26 PM
I am blessed, the gentleman in the photo is the Mayoral candidate for Saint Cloud Florida.
He is a friend, and I have done some restoration gunsmithing for him.
God Bless Tony Busby and his son Shay. 
The Winchester Model 1886 / Re: Why was the carbine unpopu...
Last post by Niederlander - October 12, 2024, 01:17:30 PM
I'd guess a lot of it had to do with the '86 carbine still being a big, heavy piece.  You don't see a lot of '76 carbines, either, and I suspect for the same reason.

Of course, my opinion is worth exactly how much you paid for it..............
The Winchester Model 1886 / Re: Why was the carbine unpopu...
Last post by Coffinmaker - October 12, 2024, 08:45:06 AM


Tall Tales / Re: October Ghoolies & Ghostie...
Last post by Silver Creek Slim - October 12, 2024, 06:16:53 AM
Morning y'all.
Coffee and tea are ready.

'Tis 46 and mostly cloudy. High of 57 and partly sunny.

Tall Tales / Re: October Ghoolies & Ghostie...
Last post by Silver Creek Slim - October 11, 2024, 05:18:08 PM
Took the whole family to the North woods of WI, today for the weekend. 50th anniversary of the founding of Arrowhead Bible Camp. This is where I lived during HS and was a camp counselor in the late 80's. Also, met my better-half there.

The Winchester Model 1886 / Re: Why was the carbine unpopu...
Last post by 1961MJS - October 11, 2024, 04:33:34 PM
Hi, I've shot a full sized 86, and it's a JOY to shoot.  8 in the tube and one in the chamber, its a bit heavy on the front end, which helps a LOT.
Spencer Shooting Society / Re: Sears and Wards catalogs
Last post by John Brooder - October 11, 2024, 03:19:47 PM
Winchester catalog no. 82 (1920) - no Spencer cartridges
Tall Tales / Re: October Ghoolies & Ghostie...
Last post by Major 2 - October 11, 2024, 02:19:01 PM
Pensacola may be as far as you should travel in a van.
The Bend area east of Tallahassee took a major beating from Helene.
Then the rest of the State's west coast & mid Florida was hammered by Milton.
Fuel may be an issue. Places up there are still out of power from Helene.
In any case it will be torn up, but some better by then.

And to add more pain, there is another area of interest, right where Helene & Milton were spawn.
They see something that they are alerting us about.  ::) 

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