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Gunsmithing / Taylor Throating a revolver?
Last post by Niederlander - Yesterday at 01:02:31 PM
Hello!  Does anyone know of a smith who does this, or where I can find a cutter for a .44?  Thanks!
If you cast bullets, Lee has this mould.
If you don't cast look for a round nose in .323"-.324" range.

The Longbranch / Re: gunoholic
Last post by Coal Creek Griff - Yesterday at 10:54:13 AM
Quote from: Major 2 on September 11, 2024, 10:27:03 PMAround Christmas season "22" I think it was, Rural King had sale on Tisas 1911's
brand new for $249.
The closest RK was 72 miles (then) and I was just giddy to go grab one.
Well, one thing or another and I procrastinated::) and did not go.
Sometimes it pains I didn't get one.
Now Rural King has a location 1/2 the distance, and the Tisas 1911 is twice as much.


$300 at PSA at the moment:

The Longbranch / Re: A Little Latin Lesson: "Lu...
Last post by Coal Creek Griff - Yesterday at 10:50:21 AM
My "chuckles per post" ratio is higher than average for this thread. Thanks, fellas!
The Longbranch / Re: A Little Latin Lesson: "Lu...
Last post by Abilene - Yesterday at 10:39:07 AM
Coffinmaker, you just go right ahead with lustrum.  Irregardlessly, we know what you mean!    :)

Alumnus...hmm, isn't that the foil stuff we make our brainwave-blocking hats out of? 
STORM / Re: New (to me) m1861 Colt R-M...
Last post by Abilene - Yesterday at 10:34:34 AM
Quote from: Long Johns Wolf on Yesterday at 01:32:28 AMMy congrats!
Is the conversion cylinder embellishded with the Ormsby naval scene?
Long Johns Wolf
I was wondering that as well.  Would love to see more pics of the whole gun.
Cheyenne, what are you going to shoot in it?  Heeled bullets?
The Longbranch / Re: A Little Latin Lesson: "Lu...
Last post by Froogal - Yesterday at 10:25:21 AM
I guess I are an "alumnus" because I did attend school, but I don't seem to be included in any of the "alumni" activities. Not because I am not invited, but because I just don't go.
STORM / Re: New (to me) m1861 Colt R-M...
Last post by Rube Burrows - Yesterday at 10:02:01 AM
Quote from: Professor Marvel on September 12, 2024, 07:06:05 PMGreatfind!

One must ask, howver did it survive so nicely?

Wonder if it's been reblued? I would not care personally cause I am a shooter more than a collector.
The Longbranch / Re: A Little Latin Lesson: "Lu...
Last post by Hair Trigger Jim - Yesterday at 09:45:04 AM
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.   ;D

Google Translate was a great help with the marvelous professor's phrase dump (and occasionally quite entertaining).
The Longbranch / Re: A Little Latin Lesson: "Lu...
Last post by Coffinmaker - Yesterday at 09:22:39 AM
:) Ha!! and Ha!! ::)

I admit to being a user of "Lustrum" in describing certain periods of elapsed time.  I also admit to being almost totally ignorant of Latin (the DEAD language).

I can, of course, thoroughly appreciate C C Griff's marvelous lesson of latin, but must admit I DON'T CARE (So take that Abilene).  I like describing a longer period as "Several Lustrum" as opposed to "Lustra" which sounds like adding a sheen to a table top, or some such.  Besides, my spell checker doesn't recognize Lustra as a correct spelling, although my biggest bugga boo "irregardless" is also now included in Funk & Wagnalls as being a wurd.

I do however, take great exception to The Good Perffesser Marvelous including a whole bunch of latin stuff, of which I have no clue and thus, unable to respond.  Oh Sure, when as a child singing in the choir, I use to sing in latin, but had no clue what the music actually meant.  At this point, I don't really care as I am still in recovery.

Fortunately, I don't qualify as an Alumnus.  Unless being an Old Retired Fart (Ex Mil.) qualifies, but then perhaps I would be labeled as Alumni??  But, does it really matter at all??  In the long view, I still do appreciate learning Lustra is more appropriate although I will resist the temptation to be "correct" and remain obstinate in my imperfect use of LUSTRUM!!  So There!!  Take That!!  ;D 
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