1897 Winchester Takedown

Started by WheelGunner, September 16, 2022, 08:17:07 AM

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Hey All,
Just acquired a 1902 vintage 97 takedown, and it's a non numbers matching gun so I'm going to go all out modifying and tuning it for CAS. Who would you suggest to have them do the mechanical work? Seller says it has feed issues with the subsequent shell after firing the first, but I'm pretty sure I know the issue. I'm just looking for someone to get it slicked up and running like a clock once I make the necessary repairs to fix the feed issues. I'm thinking about having Tyler Gun Wirks do the refinish of the bluing. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks


Quote from: WheelGunner on September 16, 2022, 08:17:07 AM
Hey All,
Just acquired a 1902 vintage 97 takedown, and it's a non numbers matching gun so I'm going to go all out modifying and tuning it for CAS. Who would you suggest to have them do the mechanical work? Seller says it has feed issues with the subsequent shell after firing the first, but I'm pretty sure I know the issue. I'm just looking for someone to get it slicked up and running like a clock once I make the necessary repairs to fix the feed issues. I'm thinking about having Tyler Gun Wirks do the refinish of the bluing. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks

Well, gee, I just saw this a year and a half after you posted it.  If you see this response, did you ever get your '97 slicked up?  There are a few 'smiths that are good with these but I think the lack of parts is a problem these days.  I know that Outlaw Gambler at  https://classicoldwestarms.com has a good reputation.


I would hope the first things you'd were to have the Chamber re-cut 20 a correct 2 3/4 and have the forcing cone extended.

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Ole' wheelgunner hasn't been here for more than a bit....

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Yeah, that's why I quoted him, so he might get an email, depending on his settings.  Nobody responded to his other posts about needing some Lightning rifle parts, either.  Oh well.

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