Rossi 92 parts- will older interarms era parts fit newer guns?

Started by Ironbadger, May 12, 2024, 02:22:57 AM

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I am planning to get a new made Rossi 92 lever gun.

But I despise the toggle safeties they make them with.

There is a potential fix...If the older Interarms era bolts that do not have these safeties will fit the newer guns.

Anyone have any experience with this?

I would assume the parts can be made to fit unless the dimensions are significantly different.

After my experiences with Italian percussion revolvers.. I assume nothing anymore.




Wife and I have a pair of those Rossi's. Hers is 38/.357 and mine is .45 Colt. The safety thing on hers seemed to become activated all by itself and then the rifle would not fire when she wanted. I neutered the darn thing. It looks like it is still there, but it cannot be activated.


:) Iron Badger  ;)

There is a much more elegant and cheaper solution.  Contact Nate Kiowa Jones (Steve Young) at Stevesgunz.  He offers a nifty little kit that eliminates that stupid safety.  The only remnant of the safety is Steve's little "button" plug which disappears at 6 feet.

While you're at it, buy Steve's DVD for tuning up the Rossi and his Spring Kit.  You won't believe the difference it will make in the gun.

No, I don't receive promotional considerations, remunerations, or even acknowledgement from Stevesgungz.  Steve is just a fellow gunsmith whom I recommend.


:) Iron Badger  ;)

Oopsies.  I neglected your original question.  I honestly don't know.  Whenever I worked on '92s I simply worked on the OEM parts.  I never tried swapping between manufacturers.  I will say, to most outward appearances, everybody copies the original '92 fairly closely.  It doesn't take much for something to NOT FIT however.

Steve at Stevesgunz would be a much better source.  If he doesn't know, nobody does.


Hm, clicking on stuff on stevesgunz causes my antivirus alert to pop up.

He may have gotten hacked and not be aware of it.

Since you know him, you may want to let him know.

In case it just my anti virus being overachieving, I'd like to ask if someone here would like to look up the site to confirm or deny similar results.




Howdy Ironbadger,
I just checked and everything is fine on this end. This is on a Windows 11 laptop with McAfee security. Note that on the "Store" tab, the following message appears:

"Steve is currently experiencing some health issues.
He will be back in touch with his customers as soon as possible.
Also, shipping has slowed down during this time.

Thank you for your understanding.

Sari Young, Steve's wife"

I wish him well.


Must be onmy end then.
hanks for checking for me.

I saw the message about delays, I was just trying to check the details.
I haven't picked up a Rossi 92 yet, so theres no rush for the parts to fix the wonky safety.

Can't buy them locally because I have yet to find a gun shop in Orange county California that stocks anything Rossi.
(Oh how I miss B&B gun sales in Westminster...)



Okay, here's the easy way to eliminate the safety. Drive the pin out that holds the safety in, remove the three parts. Take a .25 ACP case and cut it down to about an 1/8"-3/16" and Blue Lock-tite it in place. If you can find a W-W stamped case it looks even better.
The Deacon AZSA
BOLD 1088
RATS 739
Driver for Howard, Fine & Howard
Veterinary & Taxidermy Clinic
"Either way, you get your dog back"

Major 2

Seems to me, someone maybe Palo Verde Gunworks or UniqueTek makes a blanking screw to replace the Safety.
I know Palo Verde make one for the JM Marlins, I installed one on my 94CL along with their spring kit.

Edit:  Steves Guns
when planets the deal !


Quote from: DeaconKC on May 15, 2024, 08:14:05 PM
Okay, here's the easy way to eliminate the safety. Drive the pin out that holds the safety in, remove the three parts. Take a .25 ACP case and cut it down to about an 1/8"-3/16" and Blue Lock-tite it in place. If you can find a W-W stamped case it looks even better.

And be aware there is a detent ball and spring in there. I saved the spring but the ball went to parts unknown.


A clear plastic bag wrapped around the gun before you take those parts down works great to catch flying springs and detents.


Hair Trigger Jim

Quote from: Ironbadger on May 19, 2024, 12:00:48 PM
A clear plastic bag wrapped around the gun before you take those parts down works great to catch flying springs and detents.


That is a great idea in general.  I may have to do that with certain guns.


I may wind up not getting a Rossi after all.

I just found a decent price for the Cimarron 1892, and it has an octagon barrel....
Which is what I was actually looking for all along.

Its hard to find many pics of the gun online, but from what I see so far, its a true copy of the Winchester.
No weird ass extra safeties that I can find anywhere on it.

Anyone have any experience with these?



I've handled a lot of the Cimarron '92's.  They're made by Chiappa.  You are right, no safeties.  They seem real smooth when empty, but when cycling ammo not so much, meaning they could use some smoothing and spring work like other '92's.  Very nice fit and finish, though.

It has been a while, but Chiappa used to put a thin steel rod (plug) in the magazine, attached to the end cap, to limit them to 6 rounds.  Someone at Cimarron (me, at one point) would remove the magazine cap and cut off that rod.  Sometimes they would ship a rifle that still had the rod.  If by any chance you can only load 6, that's the deal and easy to fix.

I haven't owned a motorcycle in some years but plan to get another, and I'd like to get one of the Chiappa take-down '92's to carry to matches.  :)


I have an older Rossi that the firing pin broke. I understood that the newer Rossi 1892 firing pins were different so I got one and filed it to fit. It works but would feel better if I had a factory one. Any source for firing pins for the older Rossi from maybe early 80's? Appreciate any help.


Tree, sadly the only source I know of for most obscure parts is ebay.

A lot of the old sources are gone.
Older owners and operators of gun parts businesses are dieing off, and their families usually have no interest in keeping that business running.

I'll keep an eye out, and if I find a dealer that has a stash of Rossi parts I'll post it here.

I find weird stuff fairly often, so anything is possible.

Hmm...Rather than have folks post in this thread on their parts needs, maybe a new thread on parts sources might be a good idea?


Major 2

when planets the deal !


Forr a really long time the go-to guy for Rossi '92 parts was M&M (Mike McClellan) (703) 739-2150

I haven't heard his name for years, though, so don't know if he is still around.


Major 2

when planets the deal !

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