1873 SAA Colt - early first generation and blackpowder question

Started by blackpowder, July 17, 2021, 07:43:01 AM

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Greets all around !

I have an early 1st gen. colt with the lower grip frame made in 1878 and the upper frame made in 1884. The reason for the multiple serial numbers is that many of these guns were overhauled at the colt factory -  where no one paid attention matching together again the serial numbers during reassembly - and reissued to the army sometime around 1900 for use in the Philippines.

The early colts made before the mid 1890s were designed to be used with blackpowder. I assume, however, that these reissued colts were then used with modern smokeless powder cartridges. Is this correct? Does anyone know? And did it make any difference? I ask this because I keep hearing that the early 1st gen. Colts from the 70s and 80s should only be used with blackpowder cartridges.

Many thanks for your opinions,

:) :) :)
"A horse is a horse, it ain't make a difference what color it is" -  John Wayne

King Medallion

You would be best advised to shoot only black powder loads in any Colt SAA made prior to 1905.

You get lots of Colt info here on this issue too.
King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


"A horse is a horse, it ain't make a difference what color it is" -  John Wayne


While I am in no way recommending the practice, I shoot smokeless loads all the time in an 1894 Colt.  It does, however, have a 3rd Generation cylinder installed to do that.  And I NEVER hotrod cartridges, especially in vintage guns.
"There go those Nebraskans, and all hell couldn't stop them!"

The original bad bob

I occasionally  shoot a 1870's Colt with 20gr of 2f BP and a small portion of a cotton ball stuffed in case under the bullet ..I reload though.

Colt Fanning

This discussion has related to Colt saa.  Does the 1905 safe for smokeless date also apply to the Model 1902 new navy model made in 1902?

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