What Would You Carry in the 19th Century?

Started by Coal Creek Griff, May 30, 2015, 09:30:18 PM

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Jake C

Quote from: Bruce W Sims on July 02, 2015, 08:17:05 AM
I noticed that noone selected a Mare's Leg for in-town use. Any particular reason?

Best Wishes,


The only real benefit I could think of would be the ability to carry 6 rounds. But they're awkward to handle compared to a revolver, and tougher to conceal. I'd rather not walk around looking like I was asking for a fight. Ideally, a revolver could do the same job but a bit better (again, my opinion), and if I'm expecting a fight, I'd rather have a full length lever action rifle or a shotgun than a mare's leg.
Win with ability, not with numbers.- Alexander Suvorov, Russian Field Marshal, 1729-1800

Coal Creek Griff

I agree that I would not carry a mare's leg (even if they existed).  They were a Hollywood invention that carries nearly all of the disadvantages of both a rifle and a handgun (large and heavy, but too short to use from the shoulder to gain the accuracy at a distance; requires two hands to effectively operate [despite Josh Randall fanning the hammer for repeat shots]; much lower magazine capacity than a rifle, etc).

I'd absolutely take a rifle or shotgun if I thought there was likely to be trouble (along with as many friends as I could get with their rifles and/or shotguns) and have a good revolver (or two) for those times when bad things happen without warning.  Of course that's pretty much what I do now...  ;)

CC Griff
Manager, WT Ranch--Coal Creek Division

BOLD #921
BOSS #196
1860 Henry Rifle Shooter #173
SSS #573

Bruce W Sims

Thanks...hadn't thought of it quite like that but it makes perfect sense.

Best Wishes,

Best Wishes,


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