President not a fan of Law Enforcement

Started by Fairshake, July 25, 2009, 08:36:16 PM

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I'm sure that many of you have read or heard the comments by our President concerning the arrest of a black professor in his home. How nice it is to see the President of the USA go onto TV and say that a officer acted stupidly doing his duty. Was he there? How is it that the word of a white officer is suspect and the word of a black professor is true-ful. That is discrimination any way you look at it. We all know what he should have said. This officer had a black partner who is backing him. He also was given a commendation for trying to save a black NBA player with mouth to mouth. How about being the training officer at the academy for race relations. Sad !!! VERY SAD!!!
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Daniel Nighteyes

With all due respect (and I mean that), you've just done the very thing you're castigating Obama for doing.  You weren't there; you don't know what Obama knew and was told.  So, perhaps it would be a good idea to back off of this...

-- Nighteyes

Virginia Gentleman

Nighteyes, Cut me a major slack burger with cheese and fries!  Obama did what he did to get a friend out of trouble, yet again misusing his office to try to influence events that he did not see happen, nor was what he was told accurate...even if it was he jumped to conclusions and made a statement he should not have.  All you Obama voters should have read the fine print before voting for him. 

Shotgun Franklin

obama first said that he did not know the facts then blamed the Cop. I watched the Press Conference, I heard what was said. obama is either a Racist or just assumes the Cops are wrong, either way he was and is wrong.
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.

Daniel Nighteyes

Quote from: Shotgun Franklin on July 28, 2009, 09:41:00 AM
... obama is either a Racist or just assumes the Cops are wrong, either way he was and is wrong.

I agree that he was wrong to say anything, and I'm not defending him.  However, to conclude that his statement makes him EITHER a Racist OR a Cop-hater is called binary thinking.  Because it completely precludes the possibility of any other answer, this type of thinking is at the center of a LOT of the world's wrongs and problems.

I understand that you saw the Obama press conference where he made the statement.  Do you also know the details of the event that led up to that statement?  Again, I'm not defending Obama's statement; far from it, in fact.  I'm just curious if you went beyond the statement to see what led up to it.

-- Nighteyes

Ozark Tracker

from just watchin TV and listening to all the news reports,  I've come to this conclusion.

Ombama assumed a Black Professor   (a personal friend)  would make better decisions than a white Policeman and voiced his opinion.

A Latino woman would make a better decision than a white man and the woman about to be appointed to the Surpreme Court voiced her opinion

I guess it's alright to be a racist, because that's damn sure what'd it be called if a white man made either of those statements about a Black or a Latino.
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Daniel Nighteyes

Quote from: Ozark Tracker on July 28, 2009, 11:09:50 AM
A Latino woman would make a better decision than a white man and the woman about to be appointed to the Surpreme Court voiced her opinion

Let's be sure we get things right here.  Her exact words were, "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

The statement isn't about race, but experience.  In fact, one could say the same things about almost any two groups of people.  For example:

"I would hope that a wise Law Enforcement Officer, with the richness of those experiences, would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a citizen who hasn't had those experiences."  Is that an elitist statement?  Not one bit.

"I would hope that a wise gun-owner, with the richness of those experiences, would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a non-gun-owner who hasn't had those experiences."  Is THAT an elitist statement?  Again, no.

Or how about, "I would hope that a wise woman (or man) with the richness of those experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a man (or woman) who hasn't lived that life."  Is that, in either direction, a sexist statement?  Not hardly.

I'll shut up now.

Texas Lawdog

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Charlie Bowdre

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