Welcome to Chinook Country

Started by Marshal Halloway, December 02, 2007, 10:12:05 PM

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Marshal Halloway

Welcome to Chinook County, our new board here on Cas City.

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Moderators are: RattlesnakeJack and Sir Charles deMoutonBlack

If you have any questions, let me know.

Editor & Webmaster of CAScity.com
Director - Digital Video Division - Outdoor Sportsman Group (OSG).
Digital Video Production & Post Production OSG
Owner of Down Range Media GP


Thanks a bunch for gettin' this Forum set up for us, Marshal!      ;D
Rattlesnake Jack Robson, Scout, Rocky Mountain Rangers, North West Canada, 1885
Major John M. Robson, Royal Scots of Canada, 1883-1901
Sgt. John Robson, Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, 1885
Bvt. Col, Commanding International Dept. and Div.  of Canada, Grand Army of the Frontier

Nine Toe Jim

I can only echo Rattlesnake Jack Marshal.


Old Age and Treachery Will Overcome Youth and Skill
WARTHOG, SASS 678, GOFWG, GAF, Quigley Shooter

Doc Neeley

So, is Nine Toes related to 3 toes from Kingston, WA?
From next door in Port Angeles :)
All America lies at the end of the wilderness road, and our past is not a dead past, but still lives in us. Our forefathers had civilization inside themselves, the wild outside. We live in the civilization they created, but within us the wilderness still lingers. What they dreamed, we live, and what they lived, we dream. -- T.K. Whipple

Nine Toe Jim

Not related. I've never met him so far.

Old Age and Treachery Will Overcome Youth and Skill
WARTHOG, SASS 678, GOFWG, GAF, Quigley Shooter

Sir Charles deMouton-Black

I like the boards Logo.  Thanks Marshall.
NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
Those who are no longer ignorant of History may relive it,
without the Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
With apologies to George Santayana & W. S. Churchill

"As Mark Twain once put it, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

River City John

Looks good, Gentlemen!

The closest I can come to claiming Canadian heritage is second cousins through marriage. (Edmonton, Calgary and Forestburg)
But it will be interesting, no doubt, to check in from time to time.

"I was born by the river in a little tent, and just like the river I've been running ever since." - Sam Cooke
"He who will not look backward with reverence, will not look forward with hope." - Edmund Burke
". . .freedom is not everything or the only thing, perhaps we will put that discovery behind us and comprehend, before it's too late, that without freedom all else is nothing."- G. Warren Nutter
GAF #275


Rattlesnake Jack Robson, Scout, Rocky Mountain Rangers, North West Canada, 1885
Major John M. Robson, Royal Scots of Canada, 1883-1901
Sgt. John Robson, Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, 1885
Bvt. Col, Commanding International Dept. and Div.  of Canada, Grand Army of the Frontier


I'm happy to join such a distinguished collection of old farts! :):)
SASS # 93688
aka Dapper Dynamite Dick

Nine Toe Jim

That would be "Gentlemen Old Farts" to you Dynamite Dick.

Old Age and Treachery Will Overcome Youth and Skill
WARTHOG, SASS 678, GOFWG, GAF, Quigley Shooter

Charlie Bowdre


Welcome pard from the Eastern Badlands...Nova Scotia.

"I'm too old to go soldiering any more , too stiff in the joints to ride point and too dam fat to wrestle drunks Any day they don't pat you on the face with a shovel is a good one"

BOLD 887 
Bvt.Major  Chaplain  GAF  502 
STORM 271 
SASS 87747


Nice to see you Nine Toe Jim, are we going to graced with your presence this year in Alberta, Land of the Free, Home of the smart (no elected liberals!).
SASS # 93688
aka Dapper Dynamite Dick

Nine Toe Jim

Hope to make Medicine Hat in May

Old Age and Treachery Will Overcome Youth and Skill
WARTHOG, SASS 678, GOFWG, GAF, Quigley Shooter

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