Lets do some looking at outfits

Started by Delmonico, January 30, 2009, 06:12:55 PM

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Fingers McGee

OK Del,  I'll move it here.  This is a picture of the Banana Bunch at the 2006 Missouri Boatride.  From L to R that's Banana Pudding, Banana Split, Banana Dacquiri, Banana peel, Banana Bread, and Chiquita Banana (That would be Chucky), IIRC.  Have you ever seen such a slippery looking bunch before?

Fingers (AKA Banana Bread) McGee
Fingers (Show Me MO smoke) McGee;
SASS Regulator 28654 - L - TG; NCOWS 3638
AKA Man of many Colts; Diabolical Ken's alter ego; stage writer extraordinaire; Frontiersman/Pistoleer; Rangemaster
Founding Member - Central Ozarks Western Shooters
Member - Southern Missouri Rangers;
NRA Patron Life: GOA; CCRKBA; SAF; SV-114 (CWO4 ret); STORM 327

"Cynic:  A blackguard whose faulty vision sees thing as they are, not as they should be"  Ambrose Bierce


Another one I took for fun before Christmas.  One problem for a lot of us is there is not a lot of period winter wear out there.

The hat is/was a more modern looking rodeo King of their 5X quality, had a collision with a tea kettle about ten years ago.

Vest and shirt are Frontier classics as are the Pants, same Boulet boots as the last picture.  Jacket is wool, we used to get these at Stevens and Berry befroe they went out of bussiness, cost was $9.98, but size small so you wanted the next size bigger than normal.

EDIT: the Bandanna is a Wyoming Traders silks, 34"X34" and maroon with several colors of flowers on it.

That wicked looking gun in my hands is a late 1980's remake of the "Red Ryder" by Daisiy, before they cheapened them, has the walnut stock. ;)

The Sepia:

The B&W:

Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


As I said earier, some of the pictures I have are not in settings most would think of, the next outfit is what I wore to the Christmas party for work:

Yes, we had a local C&W bar all to ourselves and yes that is me on an un-neutered male bovine, the 'lectric version: ::)

No I wan't drunk. ;D

Hat is Stetson's remake of The Big 4, one of the first factory shaped hats from the late 1880's.

Vest the same Frontier classics from the BB gun picture, Shirt is Scully, bandanna another Wyoming Traders, pant's are Frontier Classics and boots are also the Boulet Shooters, but brown.

The sepia:

And B&W:

Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Four-Eyed Buck

Is that vest wool, Del? If so, is it still a stock item?..............Buck 8)
I might be slow, but I'm mostly accurate.....

Daniel Nighteyes

Here's the "Unusual Suspects" posse from the 2008 Firecracker Shootout.  It was awful danged hot that day, too:

And here's several pics of me at various times and in various outfits:

This one was taken shortly after I began shooting SASS.

Here's me wearing a pair of business casual pants I was converting to CAS wear.  Note that the belt loops haven't yet been removed.

This is one of my favorite pics, because I think it shows off my outfit quite well.

Believe it or not, I've actually USED this lance at a Cowboy Long Range match.  (For a hint on how I used it, note the small crossbar above the top feather.)

This was taken on Halloween night.  Fairly convincing, huh?

Some decorations:

Most of you have seen this one before.

And last but not least, my namesake  ;):

Bow View Haymaker


Here is a link to some of my pictures.  some of me, some of groups.  In a few of these i am whearing bib ovealls 'cause they look kind of old fashiond but don't cost that way and are pretty  comfotable.  plus my character is more of a farmer than a rancher so I thought they fit that.  I also am working on a military field look with the blue army issue style shirt and light grey hat.  and in the bottom right of the web page Is the grey vest and pants that the missus got me for a present last year.  The big black hat was like new at about a third the cost and those around me said it looked good. 
My outfits are like my guns and a lot ofov\ther linghs in my life. very eclectic and mix-n-match.  most items can be used in more that one combination of ways. 
Bow View Haymaker

GAF #522  Dept of the Platte
SASS# 67733 (RO II)
NRA life

Paul Arens



Buck the vest is a current production and it is a wool blend.

Daniel, I like the pictures that show how you have progressed on making a much better and more period correct outfits. 
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


Quote from: Bow View Haymaker on January 31, 2009, 10:49:13 PM

Here is a link to some of my pictures.  some of me, some of groups.  In a few of these i am whearing bib ovealls 'cause they look kind of old fashiond but don't cost that way and are pretty  comfotable.  plus my character is more of a farmer than a rancher so I thought they fit that.  I also am working on a military field look with the blue army issue style shirt and light grey hat.  and in the bottom right of the web page Is the grey vest and pants that the missus got me for a present last year.  The big black hat was like new at about a third the cost and those around me said it looked good. 
My outfits are like my guns and a lot ofov\ther linghs in my life. very eclectic and mix-n-match.  most items can be used in more that one combination of ways. 

Some of them folks esp in the first picture look awful familar.  I also like the bodies in the street. ;D
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


This next picture is kinda fun:

I'm up in the box on a restored 1880's vintage Concord.  The rig belongs to the museum in Marysville Kansas, the mules on front belong to the Dad of the driver.  The shotgun if you notice, looks a bit small, it is, a 20 ga. ;D  Belongs to the daughter of the guy driving and is her bird gun.  This was at Rock Creek Station in Newbrassky, near Fairbury, it is where Wild bill killed Dave McCandless in 1861.

The sepia:

The B&W:

My friend Kevin, the driver, I need to do some work with, you see he didn't bother to wear any different clothes that the ones he normally wears.   See he's a working cowboy down in Kansas, but he pretty well has that look most strive for. ;)
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Capt. Texas Elliot

I've posted these elsewhere but might as well put them here as well  ;D

Daniel Nighteyes

Quote from: Capt. Texas Elliot on February 01, 2009, 05:54:47 PM
I've posted these elsewhere but might as well put them here as well  ;D
Cap'n Elliot, do you wear both pistols butt-forward?  Looks like you do.  And if so, may I invite you to join the Society of Bass-Ackward Duelists (SoBAD)?  There are at least 30 of us so far.  The only requirement is that you wear your pistols butt-forward and reverse-draw at least one of them at least every now and then.  If you reverse-draw both of 'em as I often do, so much the better.

I'm SoBAD #001, and my pard Wild Bill Blackerby is SoBAD #002.  If'n ya wanna join up, just let me know and I'll getcha a number.  Sooner or later there's gonna be membership pins and everything!   :D :D

And its neat to yell out "I'm SoBAD!" ;D ;D

Capt. Texas Elliot

Quote from: Daniel Nighteyes on February 01, 2009, 06:30:17 PM
Cap'n Elliot, do you wear both pistols butt-forward? 

Certainly do. I was told that I can't use them this way in SASS matches so of course I want to. In our re-enactment stuff I can wear and use them anyway I like so I will wear butt forward all the time.

I prefer to wear them this way especially on horseback.

I would be proud to be a member of SoBAD  ;D


Here's my first, circa 1969

My first outfit, shooting at the Jesse James farm,wah maker shirt, and pants

here is the addition of a vest the next year at the Jesse James Farm with one of my friends.

My biggest problem is boots, hard to justify a couple hundred and only wearing them a few times a year.  Am currently making some Cheyenne inspired Mocs, that will make it a tad more authentic.

Bow View Haymaker

some of y pictures were taked at the 2009 Rand Army of the Frontier muster.  the one wiht the Bodies i the street were from a BAnk robbery skit we did at the Genoa NE 125th anniversiery right after the parade. 
Bow View Haymaker

GAF #522  Dept of the Platte
SASS# 67733 (RO II)
NRA life

Paul Arens


Daniel Nighteyes

Quote from: Capt. Texas Elliot on February 01, 2009, 06:43:12 PM
I was told that I can't use them this way in SASS matches so of course I want to.  I prefer to wear them this way especially on horseback.

I can see that it would be MUCH better to wear 'em butt-forward (or bass-ackward) on horseback.  I have no direct experience with it because I have an understanding with horses -- I don't ride them, and they don't throw me.

Unless the specific club, or range, has a rule against it, the butt-forward/reverse draw it completely legal in SASS, as long as you shoot Duelist and don't break the 170 any more than someone who is using "regular" straight-hang holsters.  It is NOT legal to use it if you shoot Gunfighter, though this may change.  I use the butt-forward/reverse draw technique at SASS matches all the time, and with some pretty strict RO's I might add.

You may have to prove to the RO that you can draw and reholster without breaking the 170.  Every time I shoot with a new RO, in fact, I tell him/her up front what I'll be doing and offer to demonstrate it before the match begins.

Do you do it like this? Disregard the excessive arm movements at the beginning of each draw.  I was trying to demonstrate the "angle of attack" and sorta overdid it a mite.  (Also pardon the fact that I'm not in appropriate CAS attire.  I did this in a hurry.) http://s10.photobucket.com/albums/a124/danielnighteyes/CAS%20Pictures/?action=view&current=NighteyesReverseDrawDemo.flv

mike highgate

Delmonico, do I see you wearing corduroy pants  and, if so, are they still made?

Daniel Nighteyes

Quote from: Capt. Texas Elliot on February 01, 2009, 06:43:12 PM
I would be proud to be a member of SoBAD  ;D

You are now SoBAD #028.  There are several higher numbers because folks requested 'em, so the total is over 30.

So you can complete your "registration", send your, ah, REAL name and mailing address to Wild Bill Blackerby.  I'll send you his email address in a Personal Message.

Welcome to de club, Pard!

-- Nighteyes (SoBAD #001)


Quote from: mike highgate on February 02, 2009, 01:30:19 PM
Delmonico, do I see you wearing corduroy pants  and, if so, are they still made?

Nope, I don't have any in any of the pictures, which one looks like it?  Wah made one for a short time, but it's gone now.

Capt Texas, nice set up.

Mo, I like the first one. ;D  Rest look good also.
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


These two from the same day are from 2001, I had to scan them from 35mm prints.  Taken at the Newbrassky State Fair, down in the National Guard area:

Early in the morning, maybe 7:30, got there before daylight, got bread ready to bake already.  COWS pants, Buffalo runner boots, a checked gingham shirt I made and red checked cotton bandanna on my neck and a purple paisley silk one on my head.

Matt, to the right has a pair of corduroy pants from a thrift shop I rebuilt, faded COWS shirt, Buffalo Runner boots and unknown brand of hat.

The guy in the middle, Cris has just got his butt up out of that tent.  NNG member, our Night Security, not the gun case by the saber, Sharps Carbine.  Also note jar of sourdough to the far right, for the next bunch of bread, but for supper instead of breakfast.

Later in the day, The AG of the Guard was by later for supper.

Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


I've acquired a number of outfits since I started CAS in '99, but this is what I was wearing last week.  The hat is an old Eddy Brothers 4X that I got on ebay for $20 and reshaped.  The sweatband has rotted and is basically covered by layers of masking tape  :-[ - some day I'll get a new sweatband sewed in but hate to pay more than I paid for the hat  :) .  Vest is Wah, nice sterling watch chain was won as a door prize at Tin Star Ranch some years ago.  Corduoroy saddle pants were given to me, they're pretty old and have no maker ID on them.  Buffalo Runner boots that are beat up but comfy because of the low walking heel.  The coat is my favorite item of all my duds.  Hand made in period style.  Don't know who made it, my mom found it at a craft show some years ago and picked it up for a couple hundred.  She wore it a few times but she knew how much I loved it so she gave it to me.  I was offered a yellowboy in trade for it once, but I just couldn't do it.  Plus my mom would have killed me.  ;D

By the way, am I the only one who hates the word "costume"?  A costume is what ballerinas wear at dance recital, or a spiderman outfit for halloween.  We wear duds.  :)

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