Shotguns for Vintage Hunting

Started by Rowdy Fulcher, November 12, 2013, 07:31:44 PM

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Rowdy Fulcher

The shotgun was the weapon that kept the family from starving . What Shotgun are you using and do you Hunt with it ?

El Tio Loco

Hi Rowdy,
I normally hunt with my L.C. Smith double or the ol' 97, both in 16 gauge.  But this year I went dove hunting with my 10 gauge muzzleloader.  Loaded 1 oz of 7 1/2 in front of 85 grains of 2f.  I did "OK" but the fun factor was off the charts.


Shotgun Franklin

In have hunted with a Spartan Coach Gun but usually use an old 311. Both are 12 ga.
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.

Stu Kettle

I started CAS with the Stoeger Uplander that I'd been hunting with for years. I also used it for trap, skeet, & sporting clays in a league I've been shooting in for years. When I finally broke/wore out that gun, I replaced it with a Stoeger Coach Gun. I've only been shooting it 3 or 4 years, but it's given good service in CAS & has killed quite a few bird & broke a lot of rocks.


I use an old Remington double with the hammers and all fer rabbits. I use an old Ithaca double with the hammers(first model cartridge gun they made referred to as the cannon breech).
Both use black powder loads I make since they have damascus barrels. Barrels in really good shape. Don't want to fire those kinda barrels with any sort of pits or such......just the ones with very good barrels.
I've used a Rossi shotgun double with the hammers,"The Overlander", a good bit since the mid eighties and love that gun. It naturally can handle the smokeless loads that are out there. I load smokeless 3 drams loads with 1 1/8th oz.of no.6 shot fer that or the black with 70 or 90gr. FFFg powder and a 1 1/8th oz. shot no. 6..
There's nothing finer than a good ole double fer upland hunting.  ;D
I've picked up some sorta Russian (I thunk) double with the hammers in 16 gauge. Supposedly it's like a newer antique that handles smokeless loads. Can't get any info on it and the Russian words/numbers (from under the barrels) I had interpretated don't tell me anything at all.
I figger I'll just go with the black in it to stay safe till I find some info on the gun. Supposedly it's from the late 1800's early 1900's. The gun shop owner say's he shot it (tested) with factory smokeless loads since he figures it's from the early smokeless era.

I bought a nice double with the name K&D Folsom Arms Co. NY USA on it......nice large engraving on it. Damascus barrels I won't shoot even with the black since there's too much wear in the barrels. it had two bursts in one barrel towaend so I cut about four inches of that off the 30 inch barrels. I plan to have the barrels relined to 28 gauge like barrels inside the barrels.
Anywhoooo....I've hunted with an old Winchester Model 97 too. That is a nice huntin gun.
I se a Pedersoli Doble muzzleloader shotgun too. Those are alright ifin you get a good load fer them. Because ofthe donut type patterns they shoot I use them in a way to hit the game with the ring of shot. Shoot a lil "off" to hit.  ???

Rowdy Fulcher

Has anyone used a 87 with slugs . A 87 with slugs would be a woods cannon . I have never loaded a bp slug . I assume they had slugs in the 1800's .

Sir Charles deMouton-Black

NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
Those who are no longer ignorant of History may relive it,
without the Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
With apologies to George Santayana & W. S. Churchill

"As Mark Twain once put it, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

Stu Kettle

Quote from: Rowdy Fulcher on November 17, 2013, 09:40:37 PM
Has anyone used a 87 with slugs . A 87 with slugs would be a woods cannon . I have never loaded a bp slug . I assume they had slugs in the 1800's .

I don't have an 87 but I do shoot some slugs. My slugs are .69 round balls as was common in the past.  They fit with a lubed patch in my muzzle loader & plastic cases & wads for modern guns. Range is about 40 yards with a smooth bore. Shot some through a rifled barrel once & got a nice group at 100 yards.

Rowdy Fulcher

I have a 87 shotgun that I enjoy . But it's got a 20 inch barrel for cas . I think it will work  for quail hunting hope to kill a few birds this winter with it . Do we have any Quail Hunters out there .

Oregon Bill

El Tio: A 97 in 16 gauge ...  :D

Love to see a "likeness" of your 10-gauge percussion double.


I got 2 Remington hammer doubles (Damascus), used the one for many years for ducks, geese and even one deer.  My favorite is a 10 gauge  muzzle loader that I built out of an old ctg gun.  It is by far my favorite to use on geese and it does wonders.  5 drams of FFg/2 ounces of shot.  Kicks like HELL but does the job.  Les Bauska told me once that he thought that I was out'a my mind--more or less in those words and if you knew him they wern't those same words.
When in doubt, mumble!
NRA Endowment member


Quote from: Rowdy Fulcher on November 18, 2013, 07:18:12 PM
I have a 87 shotgun that I enjoy . But it's got a 20 inch barrel for cas . I think it will work  for quail hunting hope to kill a few birds this winter with it . Do we have any Quail Hunters out there .


In Kansas and Oklahoma, we have hunters, but due to the droughts in the past few, we don't have as many quail.  I worked with a guy back in the 1980's who said quail hunting was boring.  Drive to Western Kansas, start hunting at dawn, shoot your limit before 11 AM, and drive home.  Limit was 8 Pheasant and 16 Quail back then.


litl rooster

Quote from: 1961MJS on November 25, 2013, 10:19:29 AM

In Kansas and Oklahoma, we have hunters, but due to the droughts in the past few, we don't have as many quail.  I worked with a guy back in the 1980's who said quail hunting was boring.  Drive to Western Kansas, start hunting at dawn, shoot your limit before 11 AM, and drive home.  Limit was 8 Pheasant and 16 Quail back then.


oh the good ole boring days
Mathew 5.9

Camano Ridge

Whoops ignore me posted in the wrong place.

Rowdy Fulcher

I hope everyone has a successful Hunt tomorrow .  Good Luck and Happy Hunting .

Rowdy Fulcher

The 1878 is a Excellent choice for Turkey Hunting .

Rowdy Fulcher

The TTN 1878 with choke tubes work great for hunting . But the ammo is just as important . Here is apicture of a test target at 40 yards .

Rowdy Fulcher

here is picture from 2008

Mean Bob Mean


Yesterday, coming out of dad's place, there were three white tails standing in the middle of the road at about 3:00 pm.  Wanted to slit my wrists. 

I have an 1878 repro with 26 inch barrels.  I just acquired some brass casings and when I get those loaded I will be hunting boar with it.  I doubt it will be anytime soon, my life has been upside down for the last few months.  New work assignment, death in family, kid home from a 2 year mission then to school (Just one month with him--I am going out with him to get him enrolled--likely the last trip he and I take before he settles down into his own life).  I cannot get out to shoot at all.  I figure in January I may make it out. 

"We tried a desperate game and lost. But we are rough men used to rough ways, and we will abide by the consequences."
- Cole Younger


I know a guy in his 90's that shoots a Remington 1100.  Is that vintage hunting?

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