Started by Paladin UK, June 16, 2012, 01:57:40 PM

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Navy Six

I vote for a list as well.   Navy Six
Only Blackpowder Is Interesting 
"I'm the richest man in the world. I have a good wife, a good dog and a good sixgun." Charles A "Skeeter" Skelton


I am not dead, YET!  I've been shooting Black Powder since 1970.  Started out with a British Brown Bess and graduated to C&B Colt and Remington Reproduction revolvers.  Then I added an 1863 Zouave, and a Pennsylvania rifle and immersed myself in Revolutionary war reenactments.  After getting an 1863 Shiloh Sharps Carbine I joined up with N/SSA and shot my rifle and carbine once a month with the 2nd Maryland Artillery, C.S.A.

Once I found Cowboy Action Shooting I read all I could find on BP cartridge shooting, types of lube and what primers to use, cleaning both the brass & firearms, and why compression was needed for a cleaner burn with some powders.  After taking the plunge with an 1860 Steel Framed Henry, I was hooked.  All my cowboy guns were fed a liberal dose of BP for almost ten years.  I had 1875 Remingtons fitted with new cylinders chambered for .44 Colt, Colt Clones in .45 Colt using a weighed charge of 40 grains of Goex behind a 250 grain P.R.S Big Lube Boolit.  I upgraded my battery of long guns to include the 1866 Yellow Boy, and the 1873 Winchester, both in .44WCF. It got to the point where I had revolvers in .44WCF/.44 Special, .45 Schofield/.45 Colt all loaded with BP or substitutes when BP became hard to find.  I still shoot BP in my 1876 .45-60 WCF as well as in my .45/70 Rolling Block.  Don't let me forget my Shotguns.  The three side by sides, Rossi Overland, Baikal Hammered SxS, the 1878 Colt SxS, and the 1887 Lever action 12 gauge.  They were the most fun to shoot.
Listen!  Do you hear that?  The roar of Cannons and the screams of the dying.  Ahh!  Music to my ears.

Pony Racer

Well Hallejuhah - Wahoooooooooooo Yehawwwwwwwwwwww

Me and My buckarette shoot 3f and 2f and shoot mostly Scheutzen but will use others too...

we shoot everything from 44 Russian to 38 special down to her cute little 32 loads.

She has graduated to a 3.4cc shotgun load and is well on her way to being Young Gun Black Powder Gal!

GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

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