A question for the citizens of CAS City..

Started by Big Hext Finnigan, April 19, 2004, 09:42:00 AM

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How would you like to handle technical or gun questions?

I want them made as stickies for a couple of days, so they don't get lost
1 (2.9%)
I'd like to see them clearly labeled as GT or Tech or some known sign
8 (23.5%)
We need another forum, just for gunsmithing
15 (44.1%)
We don't need no stinking forum and we'll find the topics we want.  Leave the town be
10 (29.4%)

Total Members Voted: 33

Big Hext Finnigan

Howdy pards,

I've noticed a few gun tech questions popping up here.  They tend to get lost in the shuffle.  I've got a couple of thoughts here.

Please select the option you like the best in the poll and amplify here if needed.

Doc Shapiro

Howdy Hext, you already know my opinion on the organization of the board, so there's no need for me to tell you that we don't need another forum.

I also don't like the stickies.  When I go to a board, I really like to see the new topics at the top.  As they are already labeled as new from my last visit (I use the "Mark Read" button when leaving town), they are very easy to find if I want to read them.  Stickies sorta add to the confusion (at least for me, I'm easily confused   :o) because the new topics aren't at the top.

I dunno what the others think, but that's my opinion.


Lady Line

it seems to me that you have enough work to do already, and adding more  might add to much to you and we don't want to see that. your forum is really great the way it is and we all seem to find what we want. at least i do. i can't speak for any others. thats my $.02 worth. which isn't worth a whole lot.

shoot strait and always have fun.
Lady Line
SASS # 23231
I may be slow, but i sure have fun
High Plains Drifters Member-Fernley Nev.

Will Pluggum

I've noticed the general topics forum doesn't seem to get used much.  Why don't we change the heading to 'CAS Guns/Gear Questions' or something like that.  We do need a forum for new people to CAS to ask questions cause it would eventually accumulate into a library of sorts of most commonly ask questions.  A CAS primer ,if you will, and it would not get lost on page 6 of the Longbranch forum.  One of the best impressions I've had from CAS folks is thier willingness to help the greenhorns get started by answering questions.  I'm defininently for it. ;)
N.R.A. ....the big posse' is keepin an eye on them bushwackers for us....JOIN UP!   www.nra.org

Foothills Drifter

I think my old pard Will Pluggum has hit the nail on the head!
I'm with him on this one.

Good shootin......
Vern... 8)

Paper Chaser

I'll ride along with Will. If question volume increases with a corresponding answer response, perhaps a new forum would be in order -- but not quite yet.  Let's see how it plays out.
SASS #54926
Mississippi Peacemakers,NatchezSixgunners
GAF #310; SBSS #1415; SCORRS

Will Ketchum

I like the format of the Frontier Spot because things don't disappear in a matter of minutes like they do on the Wire.  For instance I have been trying to get an answer to a question I have about the Lyman 55 powder measure.  I came back to look for answers and it was already on the 3rd page.  I posted another message to bring it BTT and a few minutes later it was again on the 3rd page :(

Unless I am doing something wrong the only way you can get notification of a post to a thread you are watching on the Wire is if you start the thread.

After a while we can archive posts so new citizens can be referred to where they might find an answer they are seeking.

Just my opinion, but it's not so humble ;)

Will Ketchum
Will Ketchum's Rules of W&CAS: 1 Be Safe. 2 Have Fun. 3  Look Good Doin It!
F&AM, NRA Endowment Life, SASS Life 4222, NCOWS Life 133.  USMC for ever.
Madison, WI

California Lawdawg

A seperate section for gunsmith related questions would be fine with me.



I don't really know, but if we do have one that is not being utilized, maybe it should be renamed and have them go there. 

The SASS Wire is frustrating as posts are lost in minutes as I will said. There was a post once about a guy who did something to the angle of the face of his 51 hammer and stopped cap jams......I've been through over 90 pages trying to find it, and can't....search don't help none there either.

Capt. Hamp Cox

Shiloh Sharpie

I like to hunt for topics.  It gives me a better view of the whole forum.  I form less habits and tend to look into stuff more; investigate as it were.  I would leave the forum alone and let everyone rummage a bit for the topics.
Shiloh Sharpie
SASS 10477 Life
I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them.

FloraBama Kid

I like the idea of a Gun forum. I tend you put "everything" into catagories.. ::)
~~~SASS# 54776~~~ BOLD# 568~~~

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