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The Powder Room - CAS reloading / Re: 32-20 Uberti and a questio...
Last post by LonesomePigeon - February 12, 2025, 08:34:53 AM
I do appreciate the advice. I use the Lyman 311008 because I cast and it's the mold I have. The 120 gr. bullet is intriguing and I may try that. I only used the Hornady because I got them from the cheapie bin, $25/500.
Tall Tales / Re: Groundhogs,Presidents and ...
Last post by The Trinity Kid - February 12, 2025, 08:03:24 AM
Morning all.

29, headed for 45 and rain today.

Class over the past two days was informative. It wasn't strictly necessary for me to take it (it was the foundational class for Single Resource Firing Boss, for those curious), but the information was good, and if I ever feel like going for that qualification I have the class. ::)

Today's agenda looks like a trip over the hill and a lot of busywork. Hopefully I can find some way to make myself not involved with the busywork. A body can only redecorate an office so many times before losing their marbles.

Spencer Shooting Society / Re: Serial Number Check
Last post by El Supremo - February 12, 2025, 07:50:58 AM
Thanks, and congrat's, ECO181:

That's one of a few bell-ringers, here.
Please share how you found it and please post clear, close-up photo's. Thanks.

All the best,
El Supremo/Kevin Tnny
Tall Tales / Re: Groundhogs,Presidents and ...
Last post by Major 2 - February 12, 2025, 07:45:05 AM
Same thing, different day already 80 degrees and foggy.

 Clogged head and Tinnitus are the modus operandi on tap  ::) 
   I took some meds and zoned out yesterday and it was a good nap,
woke up feeling some relieved.   :-\ 
Shotguns / Re: Coach gun, second shot pro...
Last post by Abilene - February 12, 2025, 01:16:01 AM
This is just a guess, but I have heard of "stuff" like that happening when an errant piece of shot gets into the works somehow.  Good luck.
Shotguns / Coach gun, second shot problem...
Last post by McCrower - February 12, 2025, 01:07:41 AM
My Boito shotgun has been developing av problem lately: Sometimes the second barrel won't fire but the hammer works. It seems like the action opens a bit after the first shot. Is there a solutions to this? A small modification to be made?
CAS City Classifieds / Re: Uberti 1851 Navy RM Conver...
Last post by Prairie Dawg - February 11, 2025, 10:02:07 PM
Good Evening:
Just set a text asking fir pics.
This is for the cartridge gun, is that correct?
--Prairie Dawg
Spencer Shooting Society / Re: Cabin Fever Challenge 2025...
Last post by FredericHowe - February 11, 2025, 07:03:22 PM
How do I enter that contest? Is it still too late to register?
CAS City Classifieds / Re: Uberti 1851 Navy RM Conver...
Last post by Cheyenne Logan - February 11, 2025, 05:34:48 PM
 ;D PM sent
BOLD Chambers / Re: Retired Lawdog question
Last post by Major 2 - February 11, 2025, 04:58:21 PM
Quote from: DeaconKC on February 10, 2025, 06:26:58 PMHere ya go. I actually carried it today with a couple of moon clips in my pocket.

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