1875 Remington Outlaw

Started by Charlie Bowdre, February 09, 2022, 02:39:30 PM

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Charlie Bowdre

Hi need some help
I have a Uberti 1875 Remy Outlaw. Broke the hand spring Got new part from VTI and replaced same
All seemed fine till I went to the range
Loaded up the cylinder and ...no go bang
The hammer  seems to stoop about 2mm from fully closing So I am just getting a very light strike on the primer.
Take the rounds out of the cylinder and on dry fire the hammer falls as it should.
checked the main spring ,it seems fine
the hand seems to work as it should
I am at a loss as to the solution
Only thing I changed was the hand assembly
Is there some relation to the new hand spring
Appreciate any helpful suggestions
"I'm too old to go soldiering any more , too stiff in the joints to ride point and too dam fat to wrestle drunks Any day they don't pat you on the face with a shovel is a good one"

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Did you ever find out what the problem was, Charlie? ???
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I don't remember seeing this the first time through.  Yeah, kind of a head scratcher - I'd like to know the outcome, too! 


 Charlie found the answer,,,,,, back on March 09- 2022 on gunsmithing tips. Who knew!!!

  coffee all around,  Hootmix.

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