"The Last Word On Blow Ups" - Not hardly!

Started by RRio, November 29, 2006, 03:29:02 AM

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Wild Ben Raymond

Quote from: Rawhide Rio on December 16, 2006, 09:23:09 AM

I have had that happen also. Did some figurin' with the dimenstions of a large pistol primer, RNFP bullet, etc. and the water flow theory, and really doubt that the spring is the cause of blowups. More likely improperly reloaded ammo or obstruction in the barrel. In my opinion, the author of that article in the CC is just flat wrong.
I agree 100% the cylinder could not be that far out of alignment with the barrel so that the firing pin would still be able to strike the primer. Yes your going to shave some lead if it's off a little, but in my opinion thats about it. WBR

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