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Tall Tales / Re: September Cawfee,Tea and A...
Last post by Silver Creek Slim - September 12, 2024, 07:15:23 AM
Morning y'all.
Coffee and tea are ready.

'Tis 45 and partly cloudy with some fog. High of 84 and partly cloudy.

Cas City - Forum Support & Comments / Re: Lost PM's ?
Last post by Professor Marvel - September 12, 2024, 01:13:25 AM
New user caviarkite is bot spammer reported
The Longbranch / Re: Sad state of affairs
Last post by Coal Creek Griff - September 11, 2024, 10:46:22 PM
"Wear a Kilt, tshirt, tight boots, gunbelt with Remmies and 14 inch dirk!"

Oh man, do we NEED a picture!

The Longbranch / Re: gunoholic
Last post by Major 2 - September 11, 2024, 10:27:03 PM
Around Christmas season "22" I think it was, Rural King had sale on Tisas 1911's
brand new for $249.
The closest RK was 72 miles (then) and I was just giddy to go grab one.
Well, one thing or another and I procrastinated::) and did not go.
Sometimes it pains I didn't get one.
Now Rural King has a location 1/2 the distance, and the Tisas 1911 is twice as much.
looking forward to the photos

The Longbranch / Re: Sad state of affairs
Last post by Professor Marvel - September 11, 2024, 10:08:30 PM
Johnny, froogal, and coffin:

Yup its all getting more expensive, and interest is dying out.

I managed to worm my way in cheap in 2005, with the Rem 1858's and Colt 1851's I alraedy had, cheap cabelas leather and clothing from rondy's . I traded my Marlin 1895 45-70  for a yellowboy and shot my stoeger double. A couple local clubs in Colorado let me shoot as a "guest" . Once a month was great
And i was happy.

Moved to NM and shot here, collected conversion cylinders and a couple vintage hammered double shotguns.
Still happy.

I am basically wearing the outfits as daily clothing these days. Including my kilts. Anderson clan, black watch and stewart.
Wanna have fun and freaque the neighbors? Wear a Kilt, tshirt, tight boots, gunbelt with Remmies and 14 inch dirk!

Still happy.

Then Mrs Marvels joints began to decline, she cant ride far anymore, and As the ranges and clubs dried up I cant justify many hours on the road each way just to show up, shoot, and leave. The shooters just dont wanna hang around at all like we did at the rondesvous.... So why bother going at all?

I am actually looking into how quiet a supressor can make things. If it is quiet enough so it does not bother the 3 neighbors I have then I am home free. Set up a 15-20 yard pit range and phhht away!

Ahhhh a suppressor on an 1858 and a yellowboy!
Wouldnt that be fun, just to screw with certain folks?

Oh look Teddy Roosevelt already did it to a Win 94 !

The Darksider's Den / Re: Starting out with Black Po...
Last post by Ranch 13 - September 11, 2024, 09:30:35 PM
So you do treat those app fired cases just like we do bp cartridges ,take them home deprime and clean them.
 You can fire the coated bullets with black. It is true that better results are there with lubed cast bullets, but as this isn't shooting for X ring count in a 1015 rounds for score at distance it will work
The Longbranch / Re: Sad state of affairs
Last post by Johnny McCrae - September 11, 2024, 09:20:56 PM
Quote from: Major 2 on September 11, 2024, 08:22:47 AMBUT my point is, WE can still come here for FREE and discuss, brag, rant, show & tell, Bi*ch or just flat out tell a whopper.
Maybe Chat with old pards, Post photo, review a book or film or just discuss the weather over coffee in your neck of the woods
I started shooting SASS and NCOWS matches in 2007. As I remember, my firearms cost $2100. I made my own leather and a .38 Special reload cost me around $.09 each.

Two of my other passions outside of Cowboy Action Shooting were Skiing and Harley's, both of which I've given up. Harley's have become expensive but skiing has become much worse. In the 1970's you could buy a good pair of ski's and boots for around $350. Now you're looking at $1200 - $1500. But worse, an all day lift at Vail in the 1970's was $18.00. Now its $269.

I ain't complaining. I skied up to 75 and shot CAS up to 80.

Tall Tales / Re: September Cawfee,Tea and A...
Last post by DeaconKC - September 11, 2024, 08:45:03 PM
Weather is still pretty nice here, upper 80s in the day with breezes, rain from the Gulf supposed to get here tonight and tomorrow, so we will see what that betides. Scrubbed on a filthy 1911 at work today, see the Lounge for a full report. Del, prayers for you and your family continuing from over here.
The Longbranch / Re: gunoholic
Last post by DeaconKC - September 11, 2024, 08:37:46 PM
Well, I went and done it again. Went in to work today and my boss hands me a Tisas 1911 he bought yesterday and says This thing is NASTY. Can you clean it?" So I innocently go back to the counter where we keep the supplies. This poor little beast is beat up, somebody tried to make it look better by giving it a thick coat of shiny black rattle can paint [it didn't work] and it is so cruddy I have to take a bushing wrench to get the bushing to budge. Finally got the bushing loose, and yes, I did launch it when it finally came free, and then saw the filthiest 1911 I have seen in years. Seriously, only a loose 1911 or a Glock would run that dirty. Half an hour later, I did have it as clean as I could get it without detail stripping after a soak in mineral spirits. It now will cycle smoothly, so my boss gave me a good price and I will bring it home Saturday after payday. This poor little beast will get properly scrubbed, stripped and a decent finish applied. Then it will serve as my new WB gun. Pics when completed.
Tall Tales / Re: September Cawfee,Tea and A...
Last post by Major E A Sterner - September 11, 2024, 08:10:39 PM
It's been getting chilly overnight here in upstate peoples republic of newyorkistan, Time to switch back to hot tea for the A.M. beverage.
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