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STORM / Re: An outing with the Kirst-S...
Last post by Rube Burrows - Today at 03:58:30 PM
Quote from: Abilene on Today at 03:52:28 PMThe .36 caliber guns ('51, '61, etc) have a bore .370-.375" so are already too big for .357 bullets which rattle down the bore.  You can have the bore bored out and a .357 liner installed (if you can find someone who still does this) or shoot the hollow-based bullets which will expand to fill the bore.

Oh, okay. I'd like a pair of 61s but have not really wanted one bad enough to mess with the HC bullets
STORM / Re: An outing with the Kirst-S...
Last post by Abilene - Today at 03:52:28 PM
Quote from: Rube Burrows on Today at 03:09:24 PMWow......what a beauty it is.

So, on the 61s is it as simple as reboring the barrel to .357 to allow you to shoot regular .38 special rounds?
The .36 caliber guns ('51, '61, etc) have a bore .370-.375" so are already too big for .357 bullets which rattle down the bore.  You can have the bore bored out and a .357 liner installed (if you can find someone who still does this) or shoot the hollow-based bullets which will expand to fill the bore.
STORM / Re: New (to me) m1861 Colt R-M...
Last post by Rube Burrows - Today at 03:10:56 PM
Quote from: Cheyenne Logan on September 13, 2024, 05:36:25 PMCylinder scene is still there.....I don't think it's been reblued, it's an even, smooth brown color,plan to try both Heeled and HB bullets to see what it prefers.....could clean off the patina, but, nah, she's just great.

Only blemish, the bottom of the backstrap is bent and scratched up...looks like someone was driving nails?  Wish I knew more on it as the bore/chambers are bright and shiny, really nice 🤠 ;D

You're a lucky guy to have found such a beauty.
STORM / Re: An outing with the Kirst-S...
Last post by Rube Burrows - Today at 03:09:24 PM
Wow......what a beauty it is.

So, on the 61s is it as simple as reboring the barrel to .357 to allow you to shoot regular .38 special rounds?
Gun Reviews / Re: pietta SAA trigger
Last post by Coffinmaker - Today at 01:43:27 PM
 :) Aw Heck ;)

I actually suppose, I be the last person on the block to run my mouth (keyboard) about little differences and changes.  After all I be the Poster Boy for swapping bits and pieces (Pietta) to create lots of Never Never guns and some strange critters just for grins and giggles.

I suppose a prime example are Grip Sets.  I'm not a great admirer of Navy (Model P) pattern grips and much prefer Army Pattern (longer) grips, ergo, ALL of my Pietta Cap Guns and Conversions of same ALL sport Army pattern grips.

One frustration with this I current face are my El Malo II guns from Cimarron, but built by Pietta.  I want to swap out the Navy Pattern grips I have changed them too, for Army Pattern grips.  Except, the Trigger Guard for Navy (Great Western II) and Army don't play well together.  Pietta Army Pattern have a smaller Trigger Guard and the E. M. II trigger is too long.  I need a pair of GW II triggers I won't feel bad about cutting.  After all, I have changed out the Grips and the OEM Hammers.

I shouldn't talk should I.  Oopsies.  My Bad.

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.
The Longbranch / Re: CCW What to you like to ca...
Last post by Jeremiah Jones - Today at 09:45:55 AM
In low threat environments I sometimes carry a .22 WMR Heritage Barkeep or a .45 LC Cimarron 1893 in a shoulder bag.
Gun Reviews / Re: pietta SAA trigger
Last post by John44 - Today at 09:19:11 AM
Total trigger guard opening.
Uberti: 1.30 inches 
Pietta: 1.25 inches

From inside front of the guard to middle of the trigger. Revolvers at full cock.
Uberti:.945 inches 
Pietta: .876 inches
Again at half cock
Uberti: .831 inches
Pietta: .741 inches

Middle trigger guard to bottom of trigger, full cock.
Uberti: .905 inches
Pietta: .750 inches
At half cock
Uberti: .700 inches
Pietta: .510 inches

Tall Tales / Re: September Cawfee,Tea and A...
Last post by Silver Creek Slim - Today at 07:02:55 AM
Morning y'all.
Coffee and tea are ready.

'Tis 43 and partly cloudy with some fog. High of 82 and sunny.

Shotguns / Re: Roper shotgun shells
Last post by linedsolemn - Today at 05:51:39 AM
Quote from: web365ster on May 26, 2023, 01:18:59 PMbasketball stars
I am looking for a few Roper revolving shotgun shells in 12 gauge.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks
Roper shotguns and their corresponding ammunition are antique, and production has likely ceased decades ago.
My good netizens

El Supremo, that is a very kind offer to make to Grant!

Grant: cutting and annealing is really quite simple.
If no other method, cutting with a hardware tubing cutter works nicely, but some fiddling is required.

Annealing is so simple... put cut cartridges based down in a pan of ~ 1 inch of water.
Pass a propane torch over the case mouths until they change color. Not glow red, just running bluish colors.

to anneal brass cases, heat the mouth to 660 to 665 degrees Fahrenheit (a blue/green color)  Do not heat to any color red

Then tip the case over sideways into the water.

For the reading impaired, there are yoo toobs but they mainly cover complex methods or building a complicated machine that one doesnt really need.

Prof mumble

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