Started by Caleb Hobbs, June 19, 2012, 09:39:04 PM

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Caleb Hobbs

Postal Shoot -- Deadline is August 31, 2012.

Same basic rules as the Winter Frolic (included below), with one exception -- there must be at least five entries to make the match official. I'm judging, so I won't be competing. I've email my address to everyone before, but I'll do it again in a few days. Good luck!



-- Open to American Plainsmen Society members only.

-- This is a rifle-only match.

-- Black powder or black powder substitutes only.

-- Targets are three regular 8.5 X 11 inch sheets of paper. Draw an X through each sheet from corner to corner. The goal is to put five shots on each sheet of paper as close to the center as possible.

-- Distances are 100 yards, 50 yards, and 25 yards – five shots each for a total of 15 rounds. All shots are to be taken off-hand, and must be fired consecutively.

-- Scores will be measured from the center of the bullet hole to the center of the paper (the X), with the lowest aggregate (the combined measurements from all five holes) from each target counting as the winner. Overall winner will be the lowest number on all three targets.

-- Any target with a bullet hole not fully on the paper will automatically be placed below all targets with five rounds on the paper. (In other words, if you put four balls in a one inch group, but the fifth ball is completely off the paper or only partially on the paper, that target will score less than a target with all five rounds on the paper, no matter how scattered they are.)

-- The same rifle must be used on all three targets.

-- Approved long guns are: Any original or reproduction rifle/musket/trade gun originally produced after 1803 and prior to 1865.  For Metallic Cartridge Rifles, the 1860 Henry original or reproduction in any caliber .44 or larger. Spencer Rifles and Carbines, original or reproduction, original calibers only. NO 44-40, 45 S&W, 44 Russian, etc.

-- Traditional open sights only.

-- Disallowed firearms are: The so-called Hawken Rifles by TC, Dixie, CVA, Traditions, etc. unless they have been modified to be period correct. NO modern, in-line muzzle loaders.

-- The deadline to turn in your targets is August 31, which should give everyone plenty of time to get them shot and mailed. Targets postmarked after this date will be disqualified.

-- Your alias or web/screen name, plus the caliber of your rifle and the distance fired must be included on each target.

-- The ORIGINAL targets must be mailed in – I'll include an address in an email. Faxes or photocopied attachments won't be counted.

Caleb Hobbs

I sent out an email a couple of weeks ago with my address for the targets. If you didn't get it, let me know. So far I've only received one set of targets.

Dynamite Bill

The main thing to remember,is not to get excited!

Caleb Hobbs

Bill, they were, indeed. Pretty good groups, too. I haven't measured them yet, but I will after the 31st. Thanks for entering.

Caleb Hobbs

Congratulations to Dynamite Bill, winner of the 2012 Summer Rifle Frolic. The competition might have been slim, but the targets were tight. Thanks for entering.


Coongrats Dynamite Bill.   I have not seen my rifle in a coon's age.   Summer went by and nary a shot fired.   :(

Still waiting to hear if I will be able to make the encampment.   Professor is leaking out details for the class at a snail's pace, driving me nuts.   

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