Started by Caleb Hobbs, January 12, 2012, 12:07:40 AM

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Caleb Hobbs

I want to put on a postal shoot for members of the American Plainsmen Society. Hopefully we'll have enough interest to do this two or three times a year. I'm going to keep this first one simple, limited to TAPS members only. There may be a prize.


-- This is a rifle-only match.

-- Black powder or black powder substitutes only.

-- Targets are three regular 8.5 X 11 inch sheets of paper. Draw an X through each sheet from corner to corner. The goal is to put five shots on each sheet of paper as close to the center as possible.

-- Distances are 100 yards, 50 yards, and 25 yards – five shots each for a total of 15 rounds. All shots are to be taken off-hand, and must be fired consecutively.

-- Scores will be measured from the center of the bullet hole to the center of the paper (the X), with the lowest aggregate (the combined measurements from all five holes) from each target counting as the winner. Overall winner will be the lowest number on all three targets.

-- Any target with a bullet hole not fully on the paper will automatically be placed below all targets with five rounds on the paper. (In other words, if you put four balls in a one inch group, but the fifth ball is completely off the paper or only partially on the paper, that target will score less than a target with all five rounds on the paper, no matter how scattered they are.)

-- The same rifle must be used on all three targets.

-- Approved long guns are: Any original or reproduction rifle/musket/trade gun originally produced after 1803 and prior to 1865.  For Metallic Cartridge Rifles, the 1860 Henry original or reproduction in any caliber .44 or larger. Spencer Rifles and Carbines, original or reproduction, original calibers only. NO 44-40, 45 S&W, 44 Russian, etc.

-- Traditional open sights only.

-- Disallowed firearms are: The so-called Hawken Rifles by TC, Dixie, CVA, Traditions, etc. unless they have been modified to be period correct. NO modern, in-line muzzle loaders.

-- The deadline to turn in your targets is March 31, which should give everyone plenty of time to get them shot and mailed. Targets postmarked after this date will be disqualified.

-- Your alias or web/screen name, plus the caliber of your rifle and the distance fired must be included on each target.

-- The ORIGINAL targets must be mailed in – I'll include an address in an email. Faxes or photocopied attachments won't be counted.

Best of luck to everyone!

buffalo bill

           I will provide a shooting bag as 1st prize for this inaugural TAPS shoot. It is the type of pouch that was commercially produced to sell as an "add-on sale " by gun shops in the 1840's. Saddle and harness makers would have their apprentices produce these to practice cutting and stitching and would then peddle them to gunmakers. Good luck to all and remember"aim small, miss small".


Col. W. F. Cody 1846-1917

Caleb Hobbs

Bill -- that's fantastic! Thanks! (Send a photo when you get it sewn, and we'll post it here.)

Oregon Bill

Dang me! Something to shoot for! Guess I'd better get a load worked up for the Mississippi Rifle!


Whoops, question for Caleb: Would you prefer we use real black powder for propellant? Thataway we'd all be dealing with similar fouling issues, but I know the pure quill isn't always easy to get.

Caleb Hobbs

Bill, you're not going to tell me you'd even consider using a substitue in a Mississippi rifle, are you!?! What's next, ketchup on ice cream?

Truthfully, I'd never even considered substitutes,  ::) but it's something the board needs to look into. But until we do, yes, substitues are allowed. I added that information to the top post.

Good luck.

Oregon Bill

Caleb: God forbid I use any but Goex or Swiss in my gun. I was just thinking of some of the poor unwashed who can only find Pyrodex, Triple Seven or -- cough! -- Shockey's Gold.\\ ;D

Tascosa Joe

Yall are right about allowing some of the folks that cant get the real thing to shoot a sub.   I have been lucky enough that we can find Goex in my part of the world.  A couple  buddies and I split a case about once a year which keeps the powder fresh and the cost down.
NRA Life, TSRA Life, NCOWS  Life

Caleb Hobbs

Just a reminder that the deadline for the Winter Rifle Frolic is March 31.


Caleb Hobbs

Just to let everyone know, there were no entries, so no winners. Someone lost out on a great shooting bag.

GunClick Rick

Gonna have to try this again :-\
Bunch a ole scudders!

Caleb Hobbs

If there's enough interest, I'll do it. Let me know by posting it here.


buffalo bill

Caleb, offer still stands. I will still provide the prize if anyone wants to try for it. I will give a shooting bag reproduced from a commercial bag from the 1840's. Saddle and harness makers would have their apprentices make shooting bags to practice cutting and stitching. They would sell them to gunmakers to sell to their customers. This bag is copy of a bag sold in the 1840's by the Hawken shop. Winter has left the Northern plains finally, so maybe I will take a shot at winning my own prize. I hope others will try to take it for themselves.


Col. W. F. Cody 1846-1917

Tascosa Joe

I took my Henry out a couple weeks ago.  The prize is safe from me.  I could not have hit a large barn with it.  I hope to get a decent load worked up this summer.
NRA Life, TSRA Life, NCOWS  Life

Jake MacReedy

Joe, you missed a GREAT opportunity!!!!! :o  You should have would have been the only one, and no matter how your Henry shot..or didn' would have WON!!!!!


Dynamite Bill

well, i took a few shots at the copy paper. 15 with a 58 cal. ZUOAVE repro. & a 45lc Henry repro. will try to find an address & mail them in.
The main thing to remember,is not to get excited!

Caleb Hobbs

Bill: Hang onto those targets. The contest ended on March 31. I'll probably do another one either later this year or early next year, or sooner if I get at least five individuals who say they'd like to participate.



Hey Caleb,
Count me in for the next one.   I meant to do this one, but taking the Henry to the Range always brings attention.  Like taking a pretty girl to a dance of ugly step sisters, everyone wants to dance with your date!   Will find a secluded place to take my date, er Henry and shoot for the next one.

Caleb Hobbs

Let's do it!

Deadline is August 31, 2012. Same rules as above, with one small modification -- we need to have at least five entries to make the match official. I'm judging, so I won't be competing. I've email my address to everyone before, but I'll do it again in a few days.

Nose to the wind, boys and girls, and good luck to all!


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