Started by Marshal Will Wingam, October 15, 2009, 05:16:39 PM

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Marshal Will Wingam

Howdy, pards. Thanks for all your participation in the Leather Shop. This forum is what it is because of all of you. We are a forum of friends who have a common interest: leather. There are times when we feel like mentioning something off-topic. This is the place for that. So, rather than starting a new topic, check in here and post your message. This thread will stay active as long as we have posts going. This isn't a license to have at it with a bunch of nonsense. It's purpose is to keep non-leather topics together so others trying to read about leather stuff will know that threads are just that. Except this one. TW and I will prune messages off the end of it periodically so it doesn't get too big and fill up the database with one thread. We will try to chase down any existing threads that are non-leather related and paste them on here. Keep it clean and friendly, just like always.

OK, lets see how this works. :D

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446


G'Day Marshall,This is a really great idea for a post with different topics other than our Leatherwork.Which gives me an idea,for all the pards to tell of their other hobbies or what instrument they play.I am learning 5 string banjo & having a blast doing it.Feathers

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Howdy All

   Marshal Will spoke to me about this idea, and I think it's a good, it will gives us a little more freedom to talk about other things unrelated to leather, this will work or should work just fine if we all do our part, and not get crazy with it, as the Marshal said we will be picking post out at times that will be placed in this thread, so if you can't find something that was there a few hours ago, check this thread, it might have been move to the " Bunk House Ramblings ". As usual we still have to abide by forum rules.

                    Thanks ahead of time to all of you for your cooperation.


                                 tEN wOLVES  ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Arizona Cattleman

Will it be at the top like show us your stuff so we don't have to search for it?

SASS Member #86387
NRA Member
USCCA Member

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

   Howdy Cattleman.

      We're going to see how this thread does, if it gets a lot of use, the thread will stay at the top, which is what Marshal Will and I are hoping for, but it won't stay there unless it gets used, if it works out well for us we will see about making it a sticky, which will put it at or near the top, but if the pards don't use it, it will disappear, so we hope it will get a lot of use, and this will eliminate a lot of none leather related topics, on the board.


        tEN wOLVES  ;) :D ;D 
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Gun Butcher

  Great Idea, and I will start it off.
My daughter is back in the states and well, My grandson is still in Afganistan but I just heard from him today and he is doing good.
I want to once again Thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers for all who are in harms way.
                                                           Gun Butcher
Lost..... I ain't never been lost...... fearsome confused fer a month er two once... but I never been lost.
Life is a Journey, the best that we can find in our travels is an honest friend.

Arizona Cattleman

GB, My hats off to you and yours.  I so appreciate what the sons and daughters and grand kids  are doing in service to our country and it's citizens to protect freedom and a way of life we treasure.

SASS Member #86387
NRA Member
USCCA Member

GunClick Rick

Now ya done it..Just finished my arrow head display.Had to do it between my leg killin me.Do a little rest a little.Gonna do that lacing thing next,have to order a needle or two maybe.
The display has an ax head at the top,and the bottom stone was used for arrow shafts.They would dry them in bundles above  smokey warm coals,(I actually did a painting of it :-[ :P) run through some hot coals and rub on soft stone to make them strieght,those two pieces are a bit rare to find in good shape.The last shaft strieghtner i saw was at 1,000.00 not sure on the ax head.Most of the arrow heads came from a spot down the road from me in the 60s,my father in law found them at Kaweah Preserve,used to ba able to go out there and hunt for them,not anymore.You can do a search on it.The smaller light colored ones came from Missouri,got them from Joachim Slim over at the Sass wire.The little walnut hull things are replicas i made from ones in our museum,they would fill with pine pitch and put dots on them and use them as dice for gambling games.The dots are actual beads(i am stringing a bunch as we speak) found at Kaweah also,i have a bunch of them.Made from river clams i believe.

Bunch a ole scudders!

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Nice collection Rick, looks like you've been at this for a while, Thanks for the look see and sharing this with us. ::) 8)


          tEN wOLVES  ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About


So what no body does anything else like play the guitar,banjo,fiddle or what ever,surely we do other things


I play the fool now and again, according to my missus, as is evidenced by this post!! ;D

Never did learn an instrument, all those tadpole things on the sheet music kept moving around while I was trying to get it right!

I do watercolor painting, stick making, archery, jewelry and beadwork as well as all the shooting allied crafts.

AE ;D ;D
Trouble is...when I'm paid to do a job, I always carry it through. (Angel Eyes, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly)
BWSS # 54, RATS# 445, SCORRS,
Cowboy from Robin Hood's back yard!!

Johnny McCrae

It's a great idea to have a topic like this. Good place to shoot the breeze about non leather stuff.

My prayers and best wishes for the safe return of your Grandson.

Howdy Rick,
Those are great display's and collection's you have there. Looks like lots of care and work went into them. Many thanks for sharing this with us.

I posted this a few years ago in another area. I display my favorite pistols in an old Grandfather clock that had not worked in 25 years.
You need to learn to like all the little everday things like a sip of good whiskey, a soft bed, a glass of buttermilk,  and a feisty old gentleman like myself

JD Alan

Gun Butcher, that's great news about your family. We pray for all those who serve our country in the states or overseas all the time. 

Morning Feathers, I play the banjo, though not much as of late. There was a time when it was my main instrument, and I lost a lot of guitar skills. Now it's the other way around; I play guitar all the time, it's part of my job. My Taylor is in the stand right next to the computer, because I was using it last night to work out some music for tonight's service.

In the 70's I used to play banjo in a Gospel bluegrass band, but then I transitioned into leading worship in church and slowly moved away from the banjo. I get it out once in a while, but it's an issue of time for me, and if you don't play regularly, you lose your chops. I used to own a Stelling, which I bought new in 1975. It would be worth about 5 grand now. I sold it to buy my wife a keyboard when we started pastoring this church, because we didn't have a piano of any sort, or much money.  

On the positive side, the banjo is the easiest instrument I knowof to learn. Banjo music is in tablature form, and anyone can read it. You don't have to learn to read music, or even cords to begin with. Lot's of banjo tab is available on the 'net for free.

I play some mandolin. I know a few cords, just enough to fake it. I also play some harmonica, but GunClick Rick can really play one well. He's posted a few videos of him playing, and I know from my efforts that he's worked at it to develop some skills.

That's my story, and I'm stickin to it!
The man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.

Kid Terico

I mow lawns for 26 elderly and do snow I blowing for them also. My son and 2 grandsons helps . This is done at no cost to them. Must be over 70. Have granddaughter in Japan in the Marines and a grandson in the army. He is not allowed to say where he is located or what he is doing so we dont know. Receantly a great grand father.

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Good Morning Gents

      Well it looks like this thread is moving right along, we're getting to know more about each other, that's good.
      Gun Butcher and Kid Terico, we'll keep your family in our prayers , along with all the fighting men and women of our Great Country.

     As far as things I've done or do there are more things I can list that I did than I can do today, but I'm working on that every day, I use to play lead guitar in a few Rock bands, I've been an Archer, even made my own arrows and my last recurve bow I made myself, I was a Quick Draw Artist for several years when I was younger, I love fishing/hunting, or just being in the wild, I love animals, and raised German Shepard's for a while, I had a high bread Wolf that we raised from a pup, and our last dogs were two Rottweiler females, and they were sisters. I enjoy working with wood, or just tinkering in my work shop, I like most music, but I'm really a Mark Knofler fan, of " Dier Straights " and have most everything he has recorded, and then there's guns and leather, anyway that's a little about me.


                  tEN wOLVES     ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

GunClick Rick

Making your own arrows and recurve bow is cool stuff,i have read a little about it and seen a friend make arrows.Having a hybred wolf is something i always wanted,From what i know they are very loyal,at least the one another friend had was.Everytime i went to his house that wofl dog would come up to me and stay by me and play with me and wanted to go home with me.My buddy at the time didn't take care of him like he should have,i told him to give him to me but he wouldn't,couple of weeks later he moved out of state.I knew he wouldn't take care of him..

Hey Ten Wolves,can you make your arrows do that robin hood sound?THHHHHHHHHWIIIZZZZZIIIIIP ! ->----------->What did you make your bow from?Got any pics of it..I ain't much good at makin stuff from scratch.
Bunch a ole scudders!

JD Alan

Terry, that's flat awesome what you do for the seniors of your community!

Mark Knofler, now there is a guitar player. If I've got the story right, he's one of the few people (Maybe the only one) Chet Atkins ever approached about doing some recording with. That's a great honor.

10 Wolves, have you heard of Buddy Whittington? He was John Mayall's guitar player in the Bluesbreakers for quite a few years. To me he's one of the great unsung guitar players. Mick Taylor is another one that played with John, and is a master with the slide.
The man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.

Kid Terico

  JD my community was very good to me and my family with my bussinesses . Made it  so I could retire at 55. Time to give some back. KT



Great collection...I will have to dig mine out of storage and get you pics...
Outrider  (formerly "Dusty Dick" out of PA.)
SASS #2353
BOLD #895
Custom Leathersmith
Ocoee Rangers

GunClick Rick

Bunch a ole scudders!

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