Reloading for my 1892 Winchester

Started by mike1340, February 07, 2024, 02:26:12 PM

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I have an original 1892 Winchester in 38-40 MFG. 1909
From.the information that I have gathered, I should be able to load with smokeless powder.. Amy thoughts from the pros would be greatly appreciated


I'm not a pro  :) but if the gun is in good condition than I think that yes smokeless should be fine.  I'd still keep the loads on the mild side.  A friend of mine bulged the chamber on an original 44-40 '92 with presumably a double charge, but it stayed in one piece.  He had the chamber sleeved so it is still shootable, although he has switched to a modern '73 for CAS.

My '92 is also from 1909 and I have shot some smokeless in it, but mostly BP.  But it is a 32-20 so there's even more steel around the chamber and bore.


Thank you for your input, I do
intend on loading on the mild side . The rifle is in very good shape and works as it should. I have never loaded BP so I am working on educating myself ,I don't want to get into a problem that otherwise can de avoided.

Cholla Hill Tirador

I'm the proud owner of a 138 year old Model 1873 Winchester in 38 WCF. While I have fired lots of BP loads, the vast majority have been smokeless. My hunting load runs a 190 gr. cast bullet near 1400 fps. That said, your rifle is far stronger than an 1873. You be fine with any reasonable load.

Gabriel Law

An acquaintance of mine has a 1889 Marlin that he brought tome with the action jammed and a separated case in the chamber.  I was able to remove the headless cartridge case, but the chamber is badly bulged, I suspect from shooting too hot a smokeless round.  I am not up to fixing it, and would appreciate advice on doing so.
I own a Winchester 1892 in 44 WCF and enjoy shooting both black powder and smokeless.  It is surprisingly accurate with Clays smokeless powder and hand cast bullets.


I think a 1909 manufacture date would be well into the smokeless era. Plus the '92 is a stronger action than the '73. I think if the barrel says "Nickel Steel" it's meant for smokeless but please research and do not rely on my memory.

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