Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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What a doll!

And the cut in pay / no travel / staying home more is the choice I would make. The years go by sooo fast!


She is such a cutie!  I'm so glad all is going well for all three of you.

Diane Amberg

I would have done the same. You can make more money later. She is all the gold you need for now. What a wonderful little girl.

Roma Jean Turner

Great to see the pictures and hear that you all are well.   Enjoy your time at home with your baby.


Good afternoon from the east coast! I just talked with a friend in Topeka who said that they are in store for some inclement weather. I hope it doesn't badly effect any of you!
Michael Anderson

Diane Amberg

Yes, and they are going to send it to us again. Oh joy!


Beautiful weather today - saw lots of people out and about and doing Spring things.

There's a big dumpster by the old bank. Is something going on?


Good morning.. afternoon and all of the in between..
I just got this form Cindy Sharp and she thought Howard people might want to know..

Larry Light's sister Barbara  was life watch from Eureka to Wichita yesterday morning  – as of now we know it is congestive heart failure, weak heart, arrhythmia – they are socking the heart when it gets out of rhythm to get it back into rhythm - - she is on two different kinds of medicines and Dr said the next 24 hrs we will know more – that was sometime last night. Dr think the heart is causing the seizures.   Before she goes home which it will be at least 4 to 5 days depending on how she does – she will probably need a defibrillator put in.  As of this morning Barbara was still holding her own.  Barbara husband Jim went home last night as he is on medicine and had phone calls to make (he has had 3 back surgeries) so we are all concerned for him.  Barbara and Jim's daughters Kandi (youngest – lives here in Towanda) and Brandi (oldest – lives somewhere down around Tulsa) stayed at the hospital last night.

Larry's Dad had heart trouble and seizures so this has just opened up a can of worms for us. Yes, he was in the same hospital.  Also Larry and Barbara are very very close - - Larry's other sister Marlyn is in Independence, KS with Larry's Mom who is not doing good. Larry's Mom hasn't been doing good for quite some time.     Larry is the baby, Marlyn is the middle, and Barbara is the oldest.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Thanks for that information about Barbara.  Sounds like this family could certainly use alot of positive thoughts and prayers from all!

Diane Amberg

I hope the CHF can be stabilized.Those internal pacer/defibs are fantastic! Prayers and good vibes from here.

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